Selasa, 15 Mei 2018



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Getting a weight loss surgery is an experience. Anyone who has taken this bold step knows that their journey towards a better and healthier body has just begun. The real struggle is to maintain the body that your surgery has given you and following post operative care religiously so that you can have the body that the surgery aimed you to have. Intragastric Balloon Surgery is usually just part of a larger weight reduction effort that involves strict dieting, an exercise regimen, lifestyle adjustments, and regular consultations with your doctor and dietician. Intragastric balloon surgery is a major surgery though it uses modern equipments to achieve its goals and leaves you wills minimum downtime and barely visible scarring.

Here are post operative tips for Intragastric Balloon Surgery that will help you recover rapidly and whip your body into shape in no time.

Side Effects

It is important to get used to the balloon. You may experience abdominal cramps, bloating, nausea and even vomiting. This occurs as your stomach adjusts to the balloon. Some patients, however, may have a severe reaction, necessitating elimination of the balloon and may have to consider other weight reduction options.

Diet and Lifestyle

If you want your surgery to work you will have to adhere to a healthy diet. Your surgery is designed to minimize your food intake. In the first few hours after the surgery, you will be allowed minimum amount of water to be drank in small sips. For three days following the procedure you will be allowed minimum quantity of liquids such as low-sugar fruit juices and thin soups, but a week after that you will be permitted semi-solids and, another week later, normal solid food depending on dietary advice given you.

Physical Activity

Post surgery you will be required to rest your body so that it can heal adequately. You can do non strenuous work for a whole week after balloon insertion. Two to three weeks post surgery you may start with light physical activities. Proceed to laborious task only your body has become used to the balloon.

Post-Operative Adjustments

In the course of the six-month (usually after 34 months), your appetite may increase. This will necessitate the balloon to be more extended using the endoscopy procedure. On the other hand, the balloon volume might be reduced if your body shows intolerance toward it.

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