Senin, 14 Mei 2018

Post Care Factors of Hair Transplant Surgery

Post Care Factors of Hair Transplant Surgery

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Surgical hair restoration is the surgical procedure in which hair follicles are taken from the donor site and transplant in the bald part of the body, commonly known as recipient site. This is the complex procedure that you require the best hair transplant in India.


Keep your head covered with a hat: Today life is so fast. So you have to go to the office immediately after the surgery, you must wear a hat in order to protect your scalp from the dust and other environmental factors. You must wear the loose fitting hat so that there is proper flow of the blood.

Avoid sun exposure: This is the fact those new transplants are quite sensitive. When it is exposed to the sun rays, it will create the problem in the scalp. If you dont go to the sun, your grafts will be healed soon.

Keep your Scalp clean: The next thing is to keep your scalp clean. If your scalp is cleaned, then there are fewer chances of the infection. When you shampoo your hair, avoid shampooing the new hair grafts. Dont wet your new grafts for the long period of the time. You must use the shampoo that is used by the surgeon. It is better to use the wet sponge to clean the scalp. Dont rub the sponge to the scalp.

Dont eat spicy food: This is the essential condition not to eat the spicy food. If you are the lover of the spicy food, then avoid these for some time. Moreover, you dont consume alcohol in the recovery phase.

Handle scar with the care: After the surgery, you may feel the itching and swelling on the head. So, it is essential to adopt that medication that is suggested by the surgeon. This will help you to cure the scar easily.

Always keep your head elevated: It is essential to keep your head elevated while sleeping, especially at the night. Always use two or more pillows to lift your head up. This will help you to free from any swelling.

Avoid exercise: Exercise leads to sweating. Sweating can increase the risk of the sweating. You have to leave the exhaustive work out sessions in the gym. You dont for the sunbath and the sauna bath.

Use Ice packs: It is essential to use the ice packs. Ice packs will help you to protect from the unnecessary swelling.
After the surgery, each and every surgeon will provide you its own set of the postoperative instructions. New hair will take at least 3 to 4 months to grow, sometimes, it takes 6 months. Dont do hurry, just wait and after one year, you are having the full head.

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