Senin, 30 April 2018

Natural Impotence Supplements To Cure Erection Problems Effectively

Natural Impotence Supplements To Cure Erection Problems Effectively

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Sexual satisfaction is one of the most important parts of a couple's relationship, you as a male, will need to satisfy your female partner sexually, and vice-versa. But, in most of the cases, a male can easily be satisfied by a female than female get satisfaction by their male partner. There are many reasons for that, but in maximum case, the men need to cure erection problems, which are known to many as erectile dysfunction. The impotence causes when a person is not able to maintain an erection of his male organ properly while having lovemaking.

In a survey, throughout the world, it is noticed that there are more than a billion people in the world have these erectile dysfunction problems. At the same time, there is a large chunk of people are recovering from this type of diseases, and most of the countries following the natural impotence supplements to get the cure, rather than new pills. Due to the commonness of this disease in the world, that is present throughout the planet, and at the same time in many ancient civilizations, there are people with cure of this impotence.

Reasons behind emergence of erectile dysfunction:

While having lovemaking, it is crucial to get longer, but many couldn't because they come under the impotence category. Though this disease is an ancient one, along with our human civilizations, and all of them have this disease, and at the same time, all have cure erection problems.

There are few common sources which lead to impotence, and those are, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, which are one of the most common and hard to eject the disease, lead a good sexual life. While on the other side, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, enlarged prostate glands, and excessive use of tobacco causes impotence.

Natural impotence supplements with usage guide to cure erection problems:

Hundreds of years of our civilizations and its remedies, there are many natural impotence supplements are found, and all can cure erection problems which is good news in modern time. Thus the older solutions are:

1. Panax Ginseng: Its trace have been found in Chinese and Korean health supplements, as to enhance the stamina, concentration, reduce stress, improved libido, and girth. These will overall improve the satisfaction times inside the body.

2. Maca: A root vegetable from Peru, which leads to producing amino acids, iodine, iron, and magnesium inside the body. These ingredients make the significance growth of sexual performance and emerge as a natural impotence supplements to cure erection problems.

3. Yohimbine: These come from the bark of a West African tree, which is considered evergreen, because of its erecting prowess. Yohimbine has shown its capability to cure erection problems by activating the penile nerves to release nitric oxides and prolong the erections.

4T Plus capsule potent supplement with much effect on erectile dysfunction:

On the other hand, there is a potent natural impotence supplement to cure the disease, which is known as 4T Plus capsules and has been proved by many persons. Its ingredients are based on many ancient natural herbs, and these have some important ones and a hard one to find in regular places.

Natural Herbs To Help Increase A Womens Fertility

Natural Herbs To Help Increase A Womens Fertility

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Fertility issues can be a big setback for a couple with plans for a family. A wide variety of emotions are involved besides the underlying psychological issue. And unfortunately, the most common treatment is hormone replacement or hormone balancing prescription medication. Although in many cases this is effective, it can be an extreme measure for many people because of the possible side effects. In fact, it is now a medical fact that hormone therapy can increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

So the question is... what options does a woman have that can increase fertility, without the risks of hormone replacement prescription medication?

Well, there are several natural and herbal treatment options that can aid in the fertility process. The most important thing to keep in mind is that not all treatments, herbal or otherwise will work for all women, and to maximize any fertility solution it is imperative to keep a very healthy body. Strive to take a full daily dose of recommended vitamins, minerals, water, and nutrients. Stay away from processed foods, alcohol, unnecessary drug use and environmental toxins (rush hour traffic can and does pollute your body with CO2).

Two herbs to start with for an overall healthy body is Parsley and Alfalfa. These herbs have a high nutrient, vitamin, and mineral content. They are key to making sure your body has enough iron, vitamin c, potasium, and zinc. Kelp can also help your body, and help regulate your thyroid.

For women suffering from endometriosis or PCOS, these 3 green herbs can really help get the body ready for pregnancy. In fact, if a heavy period accompanies these symptoms, it is even more important because these 3 herbs can help balance the calcium and iron loss that can occur during a heavy period.

Now, the following herbs have mild to moderate abilities to regulate hormone levels, and can aid some women:

Black Cohosh - this herb is very popular in Germany for womens issues. It may be able to increase natural estrogen levels in the body, without the harsh side effects of prescription medications. A womans body produces less estrogen over time and age...and black cohosh may be a natural way to increase these estrogen levels for some women.

Sarsaparilla - This herb is good at general hormone level regulation. It can regulate both male and female hormone levels, and is believed to be able to stimulate estrogen levels.

Horsetail - this herb is specifically beneficial to infertility problems due to Fibroids. Even though it is traditionally used as a diuretic, and can help with urinary issues of the bladder and kidney, it dissolves fatty cysts internally. Therefore, women with Fibroids can possibly gain some benefit from horsetail.

Evening Primrose Oil - This herb acts as a toner for the uterus, and helps increase the fertility qualities in cervical fluid. It also helps regulate period flow, and helps the health and strength of the uterus lining. Evening Primrose Oil works best if used between menstruation and ovulation - the first part of a cycle.

Minggu, 29 April 2018

Natural Hair Restoration-- If You Are Losing Your Hair, Learn These 10 Nutritional Facts

Natural Hair Restoration-- If You Are Losing Your Hair, Learn These 10 Nutritional Facts

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So your hair dropping? Does indeed this worry you? Do you stay awake during the night distressing about your hair loss? Are you self-conscious to move out in public for fear of be ridiculed by everybody? Are you searching for a natural hair restoration? Think you're done looking for hair loss product reviews?
Well don't be concerned, If our grandfathers were bald and now you happen to be shedding your hair I'd personally say that it may be a genetic trait inherited from one era to the next, if this were the 70's I might say buy a toupee or comb over the bald area. Conversely we currently live in modern times through which solutions for hair loss is at our door step.

There's a lot of treatments to counteract hair loss depending on the kind of treatments you respond well to, Some individuals react properly to minerals and vitamins while some men and women react well to modifications in diet.. Thus protecting against hair loss by means of diet and correct modifications in our daily habits.

Vitamins and Minerals to Prevent hair Loss

B Vitamins Are necessary To get Wholesome Hair

* Para-aminobenzoic acid could very well stop your hair from graying.

* Inositol can help to prevent hair loss.

* Niacin (vitamin B-3) promotes circulation to the head.

* Panthenol (vitamin B-5) may stop hair loss and help to regrow hair.

* Biotin can also prevent your hair from graying too early.

* Biotin It's also a significant vitamin for halting hair loss.

* Vitamins B-6 and B-12 have been proven to execute a role in healthy hair growth.

* protein

* four - 6 glass of water.

Vitamin E Might help With Hair Loss E vitamin happens to be a anti-oxidant which encourages your scalp through enhancing circulation. A marked improvement in circulation can make additional nutrients available to help your hair follicles to allow them to produce stronger, much healthier hair. Almost all People in the us get enough vitamin E within their diets, however it doesn't hurt to eat an abundance of leafy green vegetables, wholegrain products, along with nuts, because of the fact these kind of foods include additional vitamins for hair growth.

Vitamin A Performs An objective In Healthy Hair Development Vitamin A is crucial for over-all health. It's also beneficial to hair follicles, since it keeps the follicles lubricated. Vitamin A can be found in red, yellow, and orange vegetables, leafy green vegetables, liver, and eggs. Be mindful, using vitamin A. Your system won't break this one down as it can the B vitamins.

Vitamin A can increase in your body to harmful extremes, thus do not take more than you might need.

Vitamin C Is critical Concerning Healthy Hair, all people have heard about some great advantages of vitamin C in stopping the normal cold. Conversely were you aware it's also an excellent vitamin for ones hair? Consume a lot of citrus fruits, kiwis, strawberries, pineapples, tomatoes, and green and red peppers, and you will by no means have a insufficiency with this nutrient.

If you ever Smoke cigarettes, Quit!

Your hair will appreciate it. Smoking cigarettes may cause a person's capillaries to become smaller therefore a smaller amount of blood will get through to your hair follicles. A reduced amount of blood means less nutrition for healthy hair development. If you want natural hair restoration then stop. Eating some kind of well-balanced diet plan along with a lot of whole grain products, fresh fruit, and vegetables will not only help you stay vibrant, but it will likewise help to avoid thinning hair as well as rapid graying.


If you are losing your hair it's not as bad as it once was there is still hope to regain that beautiful head of hair.

For More Free Information and Reviews best hair loss Or Hair Loss Product Reviews

Natural Hair Mats Soak Up Oil Spills San Francisco non-profits human hair mat soaks up oil like

Natural Hair Mats

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Oil spills are arguably one of the most serious of all man-made environmental hazards. Pictures of wildlife devastation from places like Prince Edwards Island, scene of the Exxon Valdez disaster, and other parts of the world are haunting reminders of the cruel effects of this kind of calamity.

Now mats made of natural hair are being used to mitigate the disastrous environmental effects of these spills.

San Francisco nonprofit Matter of Trust ( has been fashioning recycled hair into products that soak up spilled oil since 2002.

It takes about a pound of recycled hair to make a hair mat that's a foot square and half an inch thick, said Lisa Craig Gautier, who established Matter of Trust with her husband, Patrice Olivier Gautier.

Last year over 2,600 oil spills occurred around the world. Most had a devastating impact on the environment. Phil McCrory, a hair stylist from Alabama, was the first to discover how hair can help remedy this problem.

While watching CNN coverage on the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, he noticed the fur on the Alaskan otters was completely soaked with oil. He began testing how much oil he could collect with the hair clippings from his salon. Phil then invented the hairmat, a natural product that acts like a sponge.

Every year, an estimated 706 million gallons of oil enter our planet's oceans. Used motor oil accounts 363 million gallons spilled into our oceans. Other startling statistics include:
? Routine ship maintenance and washing containers account for 137 million gallons of oil in our oceans.
? Natural seepage of oil bubbling up from the sea bottom dump 62 million gallons
? Large Spill accidents spill 37 million gallons
? Offshore drilling leaks 15 million gallons
? Air pollution generates 92 million gallons flowing into our oceans.

Mats woven from human hair are successfully alleviating these man-made environmental disasters.

"A mat can soak up a quart of oil," Gautier said, "and it can be wrung out and used up to 100 times -- as long as there's no sand in it."

There are over 300,000 hair salons in the US and each cuts an average of a pound of hair per day. Even noted Paul Mitchell salons participate in this worthwhile program. Participating salons pay out of pocket for postage to send their swept up hair clippings to Matter of Trust's warehouse spaces.

Matter of Trust takes any type of human hair -- straight, curly, permed, straightened, processed and dyed -- "but only HEAD hair," says its website.

Salons and businesses can learn more about participating in this extraordinary program at

This amazing mat has other practical applications. Since hair provides a slow protein release, it's excellent for flower growers as a natural fertilizer. For more information on this, see

Sabtu, 28 April 2018

Natural Hair Dye for Gray Hair

Natural Hair Dye for Gray Hair

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One of the common problems among the adult people nowadays is having gray hair. Indeed, having gray hair is a great factor that can affect your self esteem and your self confidence. This is the reason why a lot of people are doing their best to find out the best and effective ways to treat the problems of gray hair. One of the ways in treating your white locks is the use of natural hair dye for gray hair. What is a natural hair dye for gray hair? Is it effective to use the natural hair dye for gray hair? How do you apply the natural hair dye for gray hair? Get all the answers to these questions about the natural hair dye for gray hair by reading this article. This piece of writing will provide you some relevant information and useful facts that you need to know about the natural hair dye for gray hair.

What are the advantages of using a natural hair dye for gray hair?

There are a lot of advantages as to why the use of a natural hair dye for gray hair is recommended. Definitely, the use of natural hair dye for gray hair is safe and effective. There is no need for you to worry about the harmful effects of the medicine since you are guaranteed that your natural hair dye for gray hair has no mixture of other harmful chemicals. What is the common natural hair dye for gray hair? Find out more about the natural hair dye for gray hair in the succeeding paragraphs.

What is the natural hair dye for gray hair?
1. The henna hair dye. The henna hair dye is a natural hair dye for gray hair and is considered to be the best natural hair dye. This is most commonly used by many people with white hair. However, the process of applying henna is never that easy and you may find it a little inconvenient when you apply the henna hair dye. Moreover, the henna hair dye is not only used as treatment for your white hair but it is also used as treatment for hair dye.

2. Black Pepper with Yogurt. Another natural hair dye for gray hair is the application of black pepper with yogurt. How do you apply this type of natural hair dye for gray hair? When using the black pepper with yogurt as natural hair dye for gray hair, you need to mix 3.5 ounces of yogurt and mix it with 1 gram of black pepper. Mix them thoroughly and apply the mixture eon your scalp. You may leave the mixture on your scalp and hair and after an hour, you may rinse it with shampoo and conditioner. The use of black pepper on your scalp is to treat or darken the white hair and the use of yogurt would help remove the white flakes on your scalp or what is commonly called as dandruff.

3. Rosemary and Sage. The use of rosemary and sage is another type of natural hair dye for gray hair. When you apply this Rosemary and Sage to treat your white hair, you have to boil 4 ounces of dry sage in two cups of water. Apply the mixture on your hair until your hair becomes dry. Another way is to make a tea out of Rosemary and Sage, strain it and store in a refrigerator. Apply the mixture on the gray spots of your hair and leave it on for about ten to fifteen minutes. Rinse away with water and shampoo. For best results, use the mixture in your everyday hair wash.

Natural Anti Aging Methods That You Can Start Right Away

Natural Anti Aging Methods That You Can Start Right Away

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Remember when you were young and you wanted to look older than you were? Well, now that you are older, the tables have turned and you are trying to look younger. As you grow older, the signs of aging creep in. You will start to notice puffy, baggy eyelids. You may also have dry skin and fine lines and wrinkles. Your hair will show signs of gray and your body just doesn't handle the stress of everyday life like it used to. But don't despair, you don't have to grow old gracefully. You can still fight the signs of aging naturally. Read on to uncover some great anti aging tips that do not require medication or surgery.

One of the biggest things that ages you is stress. Stress will produce wrinkles in your face. It can cause your hair to thin and become dull. If you are a stress eater, excess stress can make you gain weight which will make you appear older. So if you want to look younger, you have got to learn to deal with the stress in your life. Start meditating or take up a hobby to de-stress you. Exercise can also help with stress. Find out what works the best for you and use it to ease the stress from your life.

A poor diet will make you appear older than you are. Your body needs certain nutrients to repair cell damage. If you are feeding your body junk, it cannot get the nutrients that it needs. The result will be dull, lifeless hair, blotchy or wrinkled looking skin and a general appearance of poor health. Eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water will help your body fight off the effects of aging.

Take note of your hands. If you have dry, wrinkled looking hands with ragged looking nails, you will look older. Take great care to keep your hands moisturized and young looking. Splurge on manicures to keep your nails looking great.

If you have a problem with puffy eyes, a quick cure for this is to elevate your head while in bed. Sleep on an extra pillow to keep your head up and prevent fluid from accumulating around your eyes. You can also apply cold compresses to the eyes in the morning to erase under eye puffiness.

A good posture is very important when it comes to looking younger. People who slouch will look older than someone who stands straight and tall with their chest out. Walk with a spring in your step and a smile on your face. This simple trick can take ten years off of your appearance.

Finally, the best natural anti aging method is to take good care of yourself. Eat right, exercise, don't smoke, don't drink to excess and have a positive attitude. If you do all of these things for yourself, people will never be able to guess your true age.

Jumat, 27 April 2018

Nail Art Is Cool!

Nail Art Is Cool!

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I have been creating nail art for a long time, and I have to tell you I love what I do, I do this for my friends and family.

I have hundreds of design from flowers to cartoon characters, nail art is very popular and people love to see cool nail designs. People love to decorate their nails because it shows the kind of things that people like, for example I have a friend who loves nature and she always wants me to make nature designs, also it depending on the occasion there will be people who like nail designs that match the color of their clothes.

I have a lot of pictures of my nail designs, I even created a little website called to show some of my latest nail designs. There are several types of nail designs, some people like acrylic nails, other people like gel nails and some people even like to use stencils.

Nail design is fun, give it a try, don't just use the popular two colored nails, have some fun and create art with your nails. Put in your nails what ever you feel like it is very fun and you will learn the techniques of nail art.

If you become a professional you can open your own nail design shop, this is one the great things about learning nail art is the fact that it come become a career, you can teach other people or you can work for somebody else, if you need inspiration you can check out the nail designs in my website and watch my videos as well. The secret is to practice, practice, practice, get your friends and family members and paint their nails, and you will see how quickly you become a professional nail artist.

My friends who have become professionals are making great money and with the help of the Internet they can now create great nail designs. A video tutorial of my nail design will be great if you are trying to learn to make acrylic nails this is added to my video section to to just show you pictures of my nail design. My website has is a lot of articles and information on how to keep your nails healthy and how to prepare them before you paint them, there are also lot of technique required to make great nails, this is very important because a lot of nails break if they are not healthy. Having healthy nails makes a huge difference, what is the point of making a great nail design if it is going to break in a few days.

I have added a special section in my site dedicated to nail fungus cures because another problem that you will encounter when painting toe nails is nail fungus, so go and read it, it is very interesting. Maybe one day you can start a site like mine and share your nail creations with the world, I wish you luck with your nail art.

Kamis, 26 April 2018

Nads hair removal

Nads hair removal

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Hair removal reviews are sometimes carried out by organizations that have a vested interest in the results and therefore can be biased or misleading to say the least. Hair removal can be an easy, painless and quick function that only has to done weekly or, on the other hand, it can be painful, cause unsightly rashes and needs to be done more often, if the damaged skin allows it.
The NADS brand is one of the most popular out there for hair removal creams and gels. Because this is such a well known brand, many people decide to try this as their first hair removal cream. Some people after trying hair removal cream for the first time will claim that it does not work. This is because everyone's hair follicles and skin type are different.
Remember, you shouldn't necessarily take the price list of your local laserologist as written in stone. Ask for special offers. Explain that you'll be a regular customer, you'll be parting with a lot of money and you want to pay for all treatments upfront in exchange for a discount. Beyond this, you can bring a friend along and see if you'll get a discount for a referral. Ask if they run financing schemes in exchange for buying for multiple areas or packaging' with another procedure.

I was a bit nervous about putting on the product, which I tried on my legs first. I followed the instructions and was surprised by how easy it was to use. Even pulling off the cotton strips as you would in normal waxing treatments wasn't painful. Another pleasant discovery was that my skin wasn't blotchy as it occasionally can be after waxing and any remnant of product was easily washed off.
The Brazilian removes everything from front and back and in between except for a little landing strip of hair on top. It might be a little embarrassing to talk about the "back" but I still come across girls who don't know what to expect when getting waxed. If you order a Brazilian wax the aesthetician will free the entire perianal area of hair... you can thank her later by tipping her.
I started out shaving, and this worked fine, I'm so glad my blood clots quick or I never would've made it out of my 15th year. I saw a commercial for Nads, the pretty lady with the nice Australian accent, smoothing the green goo over some guy who looked like Chewbacca's stunt double, and then ripping it off clean as can be. I got it home and tried it, all I could think of was they must've had that hairy guy sedated, because I felt like I was going to swallow my tongue when I ripped that first bit of goo off. It was so painful I was only able to do one knee cap. I went back to my old stand by shaving.

There can be mild discomfort that comes along with NADS hair removal gel so keep in mind that you might want to avoid this if you have ultra sensitive skin. Most people will not have allergic reactions or significant burning sensations but read the bottle before applying NADS to your skin.
I was a bit nervous about putting on the product, which I tried on my legs first. I followed the instructions and was surprised by how easy it was to use. Even pulling off the cotton strips as you would in normal waxing treatments wasn't painful. Another pleasant discovery was that my skin wasn't blotchy as it occasionally can be after waxing and any remnant of product was easily washed off.

Read About Women magazine and also read about laser therapy treatment and nads hair removal

Myths and folklore about gemstones

Myths and folklore about gemstones

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Crystals, minerals and metals have played various roles in the myths and legends of human cultures throughout history. They are fascinating examples of the attempts of the men and women of ancient times to explain their world without the benefit of science and with each culture's biases, superstitions and interests impressed upon them and therefore provide us with an especially vivid picture of the psychology of ancient man. What gemstone could make heroes stronger? Legends of Jewels, Quartz Mythology, Myths about crystals and myths about jewelry; Some of those ancient myths and legends have come down intact through the centuries. Others have evolved and mutated as result of the input of other culture as they came into contact with one another.


The most popular mythology surrounding amethyst is from ancient Greece. The word "amethyst" is of Greek origin and is translated as- "amethystus" meaning not drunken, or intoxicated ("-methystos" from "methyein" or intoxicated, "methy" = wine). As a symbol of sincerity and stability, the unique purple shades of amethyst have been declared the "Rose de France" and has been set, even today, in Victorian jewelry (rings, bracelets, necklaces, hair accessories etc.). The mythology of this stone, unsurprisingly, spreads through modern mythology and even ancient and recent legend.


According to some legends, aquamarine is the treasure of mermaids, with the power to keep sailors safe. Supposedly its' powers are particularly strong when immersed in water. While on land, it is said to have a soothing influence on married couples. The ancient Romans believed that the Aquamarine was sacred to Neptune, the god of the sea, having fallen from the jewel boxes of sirens and washed onto shore. Early sailors wore aquamarine talismans, engraved with the likeness of Neptune, as protection against dangers at sea.


The ancient Greeks and Romans believed they were tears of the Gods and splinters from falling stars. Cupids' arrows were supposed to be tipped with diamonds, having thus a magic that nothing else can equal. Plato wrote about diamonds as living beings, embodying celestial spirits. The Hindus believed that they were created when bolts of lightning struck rocks. They even placed some in the eyes of some of their statues. Jewish high priests turned to diamonds to decide the innocence or guilt of the accused: a stone held before a guilty person was supposed to dull and darken, while when held before an innocent one to glow with increased brilliance The Romans wore diamonds because these were thought to possess broad magical powers over life s troubles, being able in particular to give to the wearer strength, invincibility, bravery, and courage during battle. Kings, in old days, led the battles on the battlefields wearing heavy leather breastplates studded with diamonds and other precious stones because it was believed that diamonds possessed God given magical qualities and powers far beyond the understanding of common man. Thus, warriors stayed clear of Kings and those who were fortunate enough to have the magical diamonds in their breastplates.


The Romans believed that emeralds with a pale hue were immature and would grow to a deeper, richer colour with age. The ancient Roman scholar Pliny was so moved by the emerald's lush colour he wrote, nothing is more intense than the green of emerald and sight is refreshed and restored by gazing upon this stone . Following his advise, Roman emperor Nero wore emerald sunglasses to watch the gladiators. Emerald is said to give a supernatural ability to foretell future events. A surprising variety of virtues have been ascribed to emerald. Among these, emerald was thought to improve its owner s memory and eloquence, and was also said to quicken intelligence. In a particular instance of emerald s use, as a measure against ills, women wearing the stone were believed to be immune from epilepsy. GARNET The pomegranate (and garnet) is associated with eternity in many Greek Myths. Many have associated the gift of the pomegranate seeds with the gift of fine garnet gems. It's meaning has given symbolism to garnet as a gift of love's attraction, a gift of quick return or as a gift of estranged love. This myth gave partial rise to the belief that garnet is a stone for loved ones who travel and a crystal that can heal the broken bonds between lovers.


In ancient times, opal had been regarded as the luckiest and most magical of all the gem's because of its' ability to showcase a multitude of colours. The Greeks of old believed the stone to give it's bearer the powers of foresight and prophecy. The Arabs of Mohammed's time were quite enamored of the gem, and were convinced they were carried to earth on bolts of lightning. One myth (probably of Greek origin) tells of a storm god throwing a bolt of lightning at the rainbow that ended his storm. The subsequent explosion of colours fell to the earth, embedding themselves in the rocks, creating the opal.


Long known as the "Queen of Gems," pearls possess a history and allure far beyond what today's wearer may recognize. In China, pearls were thought to be raindrops swallowed by oysters. The Chinese associated dragons and pearls together, since they believed dragons fighting in the clouds caused pearls to drop from the sky in the form of rain. During the Dark Ages, gallant knights often wore pearls onto the battlefield to protect them from harm. Long been a favorite for brides and newly weds. The ancient Greeks believed that wearing pearls would promote harmony in a marriage and prevent newlyweds from shedding tears. Also, a very popular gem to Ancient Egyptians. Reportedly, Cleopatra dissolved a single pearl in a glass of wine and drank it, simply to win a wager with Marc Anthony that she could consume the wealth of an entire country in just one meal.


Early Egyptian priests drank a stimulating beverage called Soma from cups made of Peridot, believing this practice to draw them closer to Isis, the goddess of nature. It was believed that the Peridot glowed with light even as darkness fell, which is why miners were said to have scouted for these gems during the night, marking their location, and returning in the light of day to retrieve them. The ancients believed that it had the power to dissolve enchantments and to drive evil spirits away. Peridot was even able to strengthen the power of any medicine drunk from goblets carved from the gemstone. When used as protection against the wiles of evil spirits, peridot was pierced and then strung on the hair of a donkey, and attached to the left arm. In powder, peridot was used as a remedy for asthma. When held under the tongue, it was believed to lessen the thirst in fever.


if worn on the left hand, ancient lore has it that the Ruby will bring good fortune to its wearer, too! Ruby has been the world's most valued gemstone for thousands of years. Ruby was said to be the most precious of the twelve stones God created when he created all things, and this "lord of gems" was placed on Aaron's neck by God's command. In the Bible, Job says that wisdom is more precious than rubies Rubies were thought to represent heat and power. Ancient tribes used the gem as bullets for blowguns, and it was said that a pot of water would boil instantly if a Ruby was tossed into it. Ground to powder and placed on the tongue, this crystal was used as a cure for indigestion. Among the multitude of legends and strange beliefs of ancient times, it was thought that the wearer of a ruby was blessed with health, wealth, wisdom and outstanding success in`heart affairs '.Furthermore, the wearer acquired the ability to live in peace with his enemies. In some places ruby was even thought to confer invulnerability.


Ancient civilizations believed that the world was set upon an enormous sapphire, which painted the sky blue with its reflection. In ancient times, Sapphires were thought to be protective against envy, and even against poisoning. A common belief was that a venomous snake placed in a Sapphire vessel would rapidly die! Ground to a powder, the blue stone was believed to cure colic, rheumatism and mental illness, and to strengthen eyesight. Sapphire has long symbolized truth, sincerity, and faithfulness. The ancients regarded star sapphires as a very powerful talisman, a guiding star for travelers and seekers of all kinds. The Tradition holds that Moses was given the ten commandments on tablets of sapphire, making it the most sacred gemstone. Because sapphires represent divine favor, they were the gemstone of choice for kings and high priests. The British Crown Jewels are full of large blue sapphires, and even more recently Prince Charles chose a sapphire engagement ring for Lady Diana.


The Egyptians believed that topaz was colored with the golden glow of the sun god Ra. The ancient Greeks believed that it had the power to increase one s strength and make its wearer invisible in cases of emergency. The Romans associated topaz with Jupiter, who is also the god of the sun. In the 19th century, pink topaz was discovered in Russia. The gemstone was so coveted that only the Czar, his family, and those he gave it to were allowed ownership. When worn as amulet, topaz was said to drive away sadness and strengthen the intellect. Mounted in gold and hung around the neck, it was believed to dispel bad charms. Reduced to powder and put in wine, topaz was a cure for insomnia, asthma, burns and hemorrhage. Topaz was also said to change its color in the presence of poisoned food or drink. All these mystical powers were believed to increase and decrease with the phases of the moon. One of the most famous topaz gems is a giant specimen set in the Portuguese Crown.


Turquoise was considered by ancients to be a sacred stone, protective against all manners of evil and ill health. The blue color of turquoise was thought to have powerful metaphysical properties by many ancient cultures. In ancient Mexico, turquoise was reserved for the gods and could not be worn by mere mortals. In Asia, turquoise was considered as effective protection against the evil eye. In Tibet even today, turquoise is by far the most popular of all materials used for personal adornment, and still play an important part in religious ceremonies. In the United States South West, the Apache believed that turquoise helped warriors and hunters to aim accurately. The Zuni believed that it protected them from demons. Another belief was that turquoise had the power to protect the wearer from injury from falling, especially falling from horse-back, and that it made the horse more sure footed.

Iris Dcosta
Ancient Myths

Rabu, 25 April 2018

Mykonos Catamaran Tour Guide

Mykonos Catamaran Tour Guide

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Picture yourself riding the catamaran with your folks- there's a mild kiss of the summer sun on your skin, your choice of barbeque menu is bein prepared on board, and you pop the sparkling bottle of champagne for you and your squad to enjoy. It is one of a kind summer vibe, right? Make that image of you and your next travel staycation come true in the ravishing island of the winds- Mykonos!
Given a chance that you will be spending the next holiday in Greece, Mykonos promises to provide you wonderful adventures that are full of fun moments to treasure.

The Ultimate Catamaran Trip Guide in Mykonos, Greece Mykonos has all the inviting waters, beaches, sandy coves, islets, and summer sun one can't simply resist of! One of the best activities you will enjoy in the island is having a catamaran trip with your family or friends. Are you a lone wolf? Or someone who just wants to swim and dive away from the crowd? A day of catamaran trip is perfect for you then! Check out the island hopping checklist we have for you below:

Insider Tip: We grabbed our itineraries and tours from the official page of Mykonos Catamaran. They offer the most popular cruise and sail packages in the island as follow:

Artemis Duration: 5 to 6 hours Tired of watching the sunset from the Windmills' or Little Venice's area? How about an intimate cruise to the neighbouring island of Rhenia and Delos just before the sunset? It is indeed, the perfect way to call off your day. On the way to the islands of Delos/Rhenia, the cruisers are given an ample time to enjoy the crystalline and captivating waters of the sea either for snorkeling or swimming. Of course, your captain and his crew won't starve you! The chef will serve you piquant Greek delicacies and dishes!

Apollo Duration: 5 to 6 hours If you want to take the catamaran trip on an earlier schedule, you may opt for the Apollo tour instead. The ideal start of the excursion is 10 in the morning. You and the crew will set sail to the islands of Rhenia and Delos until the late afternoon. The day won't go by without tasting the most appetizing and yummy local food prepped up by the chef on board! Lunch while riding the catamaran? Bucket list checked off!

You know what's awesome? An overnight trip to your chosen island! Some catamaran tours like the Mykonos Catamaran Tours and Services offer an overnight trip for their customers. Who says you can't enjoy an overnight stay in the comfortable cabins of a sturdy catamaran? Only this time, you are the captain of the ship! Meaning, it is in your hands, where you will take the wheels. If you want to see Santorini, they'll row you to Santorini. If you want an overnight stay in the waters of Naxos, Paros, or Koufonisia, name the island of your choice, your wish is the catamaran people's command!

Mykonos Town accommodation: Where to have a grandeur staycation in the island?

Who would want to leave the island without experiencing the magic of having a dream of staying in a cosy Mykonos accommodation? Dina's Rooms in Mykonos is one of the most loved hotels in the island! Its proximity to Chora or Mykonos Town, Little Venice, and the ancient Windmills are one of the reasons why Dina's Rooms and Studios is frequented by lots of travellers.

From a bargain price in low-season and a still affordable and reasonable price in high-season, Dina's Rooms are available to everyone in a price where you are not required to burn a whole in your pocket. When it comes to the inclusions of your Mykonos accommodation, each room has its own private bathroom, a fridge for your groceries, an iron, a hair dryer, and a safety box for your valuables. Kettle, cups, and glasses are readily available in your room so you won't have to cheap in for disposable ones. The hotel offers different types of accommodation that you will surely love: from a room with a garden view to a room with the majestic view of the Aegean sea. Oh, you will love Dina's Rooms in Mykonos!

When are you heading to Mykonos, Greece for your dream catamaran tour?

My Last Day

My Last Day

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I awoke at 5:37 AM feeling well-rested and content, but rather peculiar without knowing why. Something was definitely offnot weird off, but like a revelation was about to be disclosed. As I opened the plantation shutters to the rising sun, there was a certain glow bouncing off terracotta roof tiles that reminded me of the Mediterranean. I thought of the French Riviera, and wished I could be there again, but this time as a young man during the 1950s before the turmoil of invading refugees from the Middle East: the velvet sea, the gay nightlife at the cafes on the waterfront, music in the airjazz, always jazz.
When I broke two eggs into a skillet, I remembered it was Fathers Day, and was saddened a bit that neither of our children were here to spend the day. But what-the-heck, it wasnt practical anyway. My own father has been gone for 12 years leaving me with a somewhat empty feeling, but thats the way of nature, right? Every day we march toward an unavoidable biological reality. There is no escape. As the eggs started to harden, a notion jumped front-and-center: this could be my last day! This could be Jim Morrisons old friend, THE END. Oddly, I was at peace with the thought. My birthday was last week. Was it to be my last?

After breakfast alonelike almost every breakfastI snuck a peek into a mirror. Although not the athlete I was, Im still fit. My hair, though thinning, is still dark. People have been accusing me of coloring it for years. I will admit to having a certain degree of vanity, but would never put up with the hassle involved in that process. I attempt to shun all things that are not joyful, peaceful, and/or value-added. Life has been thatcharmed. Ive had a long marriage to a woman who loves me (and my foibles) unconditionally though we are as different as night and day. Maybe thats why its worked. I think shell miss me, but get along just fine. My career with ups-and-downs has been rewarding, my health robust, and my hobbies engaging. What more could I want? The answer quite simply is timetheres never enough time. So, if this is my last day, Id better get to it; that is, writing this essay. I apologize if its only half the length of my usual efforts, but Ive got a deadlineliterally.

A close friend from high school days lives two hours south. We traveled from the Midwest to California years ago, and by chance, both ended up in the Arizona desert. He has had three heart attackstwo before we reached 40among other physical maladies while I have been untouched by the rags of growing old. The irony is that he asked me to deliver his eulogy, but the reality may be that hell tell funny and poignant stories about me. How do you like them apples? Hell do fine. Hes a polished public speaker although a bit wooden in his delivery, but not nearly as bad as Al I invented the Internet Gore. You see, its his nature to always be proper while I speak impertinently. Hey, I cant help it. Im a smart aleck.

Ive accomplished most things on my bucket list, but we never get to finish the list if we are forward thinking, imaginative, and ambitious. All the usual international sights and experiences are long behind me. My personal list is continually revised and expanded; for instance, I want to ride in the Goodyear Blimp, and drive the Weinermobile. Stealing and joyriding in a garbage truck also strikes me as fun. Another item that would be interesting, but long behind me, would be to bring a date to ones own wedding. Can you imagine what would hit the fan? However, it would be practical if you wanted an out. Certainly a better option than jumping on a plane and abandoning the affair the day before. Never happen you say? Au contraire! My best man pulled it offshowed up at my apartment two states away.

So if this is adieuthe French save that word for the final goodbyeIll see you on the other side. If someday after Im gone, and youre alone, you hear a strange noise like a slide-whistle, thatll be me.

..and if this is a false alarm? Hey, theres always tomorrow.

By Gene Myers. This is not copyrighted. I mean, why bother? Over and out.

Selasa, 24 April 2018

Move Out With A New Look With Simple 10 Hairstyles

Move Out With A New Look With Simple 10 Hairstyles

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Getting the right hairstyle before setting out of the house is what people really want. Dressing up and setting the hair properly gives people a sense of confidence. It does not really mean that the hair complies with the person every day. During bad hair days, as people call it, one has to work a lot on their hair to get them to look the way they want it to. If the hair stands out in an awkward manner or looks disarrayed, they start to feel frustrated almost with everything.

It becomes really hectic if the person has got to go out somewhere but sleeps in and does not wake to the sound of the alarm. The morning routine becomes hectic and they cannot spare few minutes for setting their hair. At this point they cannot stand and get the preferred look when they really have to leave the house in few minutes. This is the situation where an elaborate hairstyling session can never take place. Some simple tweaks to the hair will generally do the trick.

Setting the right look

Getting the right look in a matter of few seconds is really simple. Anyone can do this when they walk from one room to the other while collecting their stuff to go out. Several hair care products are now available to help the person to get their look done in no matter of time. Hair gels are generally preferred by both men and women when they have to go out someplace.

The messy bun:

This look can generally be seen in ballerinas. This hairstyle is simple wherein it involves collecting the hair at the top and pinning them with clips or tying a knot. Hair bands mix well with this look.

Simple pony tail:

This is really simple. Pull back your hair to the top and tie a band around it. the style is done.

The double pony:

This involves taking some amount of hair from the bottom and tying it and taking the rest of the hair from the top and tying a knot. This gives the hair some volume.

Pinning the hair:

Take some amount of hair from the sides near to the ear and twist them. Pin these to the sides of the head along with rest of the hair. You are now ready to move out.

Half up and half down:

Take some amount of hair in the back and tie them into a pony. Allow few strands of hair to fall loose in the front near the ears. Lift the pony a bit and pin it to the hair.

French twist pony:

Brush the hair into a low pony. Now twist the hair in the back. Use some bobby pins to keep the twisted knot in place. Leave the hair on the shoulders.

Low bun:

Brush the hair and tie them into a low pony at the back. Twist the pony into a tight pin and hold them into place with bobby pins.

Girly twist:

Gather some hair from the top of the head in the front near to the forehead. Twist the hair and pin them to the hair.

Messy braid:

Brush the hair gently with bare hands and bring it to a pony tail. Part the hair into three and braid them. Allow some hair in the end and tie it.

Hair band pony:

Tie the hair into a pony tail and tie a hair band around the head. Pass the pony through the hair band and allow some to be tucked into it.

There is every style that a person needs when they are in a hurry. To check out the products one needs for styling their hair at JoybyNature.

Most Sought After Styler, Make Heads Turn Pink GHD

Most Sought After Styler, Make Heads Turn Pink GHD

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Even though GHD hair strengtheners are one of the best styling tools available in the market, GHD have bought out a Limited Edition Pink GHD Thermal Protector spray to protect your hair when straightening. These Pink GHD sprays have been released with the GHD Pink Kiss IV Styler. Beauty salons, cosmetologists all over the world have accepted and embraced Pink GHD as a divine and innovative tool against the overall protection of hair damage. The GHD Pink Thermal Protector, with advanced Heat Reflection Technology is to ensure that your beautiful strong hair always triumphs over heat damage.

The new Pink GHD set has again been released to create the breast cancer awareness, with 10 from each sale being donated to the cancer charity. GHD donates 10 to Breakthrough Breast cancer with every set sold. The new Pink GHD package also includes attractive and lustrous new sleek design, rounded barrel for improved curling and styling, auto adjust for international voltages, stronger cable and a new sleep mode which turns itself off after 30 minutes, for more convenience and adaptability Pink GHD has an auto turn off mode. Every year GHD and GHD salon raise hundreds of thousands of pounds for this worthy charity, new Pink GHD Kiss come in a glossy finish with a free triple lip gloss set and Pink heat protection spray to use with your straighteners.

The new Baby Pink GHD hair stylers, you also get a versatile tote bag - this is great for storing your hair and beauty essentials. All the various fashion accessories have been very popular among the film actors, fashion models, women fashionistas, tennagers and especially women on the move, Pink GHD can make heads turn for its attractive and irresistible looks, convenience and portability, because of these unique qualities Pink GHD have an amazing distribution network all over the world.

The amazing popularity of Pink GHD is not only for the noble cause for breast cancer breakthrough, or for opting new marketing strategy, or lastly just women love Pink color, to think on this matter, unless you get your hands on a brand new Pink GHD hair straightener one would not be able to come to the conclusion. Pink GHD hair straightener was successful in meeting the needs for styling hair, it became ubiquitous fashion accessory for the women all over the world, but unfortunately the numbers were strictly limited and demand soon surpassed supply. Pink GHD has in fact become one of the charity's biggest patrons for the cause of breast cancer.

Pink GHD the most sought styler which shows you convinces you, teaches you how to straighten, curl and style your hair the way your hairdresser does with a complete DVD demonstration. In order to make heads turn, you want to stand apart in crowd just unhesitatingly lay your hand on Pink GHD and see the difference.

Senin, 23 April 2018

Most Recommended Amika Flat Irons

Most Recommended Amika Flat Irons

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Amika is one of the latest hair care brands in the scenario that has introduced a complete line of hair care accessories, from styling tools such as flat irons, curlers, and styler sets to hair care cosmetics including conditioners, shampoos, hair creams, masks, serum, and sprays. Among many of its products, its flat irons deserve a special note because of its stupendous features and cutting edge technologies used for its manufacture, which in turn is a blend of ceramic, negative ion, and nano technologies.

With 100% ceramic plates, Amika stylers generate natural source of energy like far infrared rays that deeply penetrate into the hair shaft to preserve natural moisture as well as protect your hair from any kind of damages while styling. Far infrared rays also promote to soften your hair via sealing in hair's cuticles and locking in hair's natural color. This in turn helps to leave your hair with silky, smooth, shiny, soft, frizz-free, and gorgeous straightening results. Ceramic properties contained in Amika stylers also help for stable and even distribution of heat across the hair, elimination of damaging spots, and efficient heat retention.

Also, a great thing regarding Amika flat irons is that majority of them come attached with the properties of nano technology, whose highlight is that it aids for healthy hair styling through the elimination of all kinds of pollutants, bacteria, and chemicals from your hair. Negative ion technology adds to its high performance, with its properties to kill all kinds of bacteria and fungi affecting your scalp.

Amika allows you to choose from a spectrum of hair stylers such as ceramic stylers, pro stylers, and wet to dry stylers. Amika's ceramic stylers are indeed an exceptional choice for those who wish to have incredible hair styling results at home. What that set apart Amika ceramic stylers is its high end ceramic plates coupled with ultra lightweight and intuitive design. This amazing Amika ceramic styler is available in different models such as Amika Love Your Hair Zebra Ceramic Styler, Amika Love Your Hair Giraffe Ceramic Styler, Amika Love Your Hair Hot Pink Ceramic Styler, Amika Love Your Hair Deep Purple Ceramic Styler, Amika Love Your Hair Midnight Black Ceramic Styler, Amika Love Your Hair Cheetah Ceramic Styler, and Amika Love Your Hair True Tattoo Ceramic Styler.

In the case of Amika Pro Stylers, it comes with two models such as Amika Love Your Hair Solid Silver Tourmaline Ceramic Pro Styler and Amika Love Your Hair Solid Gold Tourmaline Ceramic Pro Styler. Designed using the particles of nano silver, Amika pro stylers guarantee germ free hair styling via destroying 99.9% of bacteria, pollutants, and germs while styling. Its highlights also cover 1 inch tourmaline infused ceramic plates that help for smooth hair styling via avoiding breaking or tugging the hair stem.

When comes to Amika Wet to Dry stylers such as Amika Love Your Hair Solid Pink Wet to Dry Tourmaline Ceramic Pro Styler and Amika Love Your Hair Solid Gold Wet to Dry Tourmaline Ceramic Pro Styler, they enable you to style your hair soon after washing your hair. However, these stylers are more than just wet to dry flat iron, and are inclusive of nano silver elements that act as a deodorizer and extra wide plates that help for faster styling.

Author Bio
Blain Gowing writing for Find great deals on different types of Amika flat irons available. Check our website for details about Amika Love Your Hair Zebra Ceramic Styler,

Most Popular Mens Hairstyles for 2006

Most Popular Mens Hairstyles for 2006

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Hairstyles are every bit as important for men as it is for women. We can see the latest fashions and hairstyles for men by watching the academy awards and the Oscars. We can also see the latest in these hairstyles on the reality shows like Blowout and Real World. As shown on Blowout, a great hairstyle can make a average person or even a ugly duckling a knockout. Jonathon does this on every episode of Blowout. Here are the great hairstyles for 2006 that are guaranteed to make you look better or at least make a statement.

Short, styled, messy with highlights. Ryan Seacrest started this do. It is an easy to maintain look and had its starts with alternative rock bands whom have taken it to more extremes (spikes, different colors, etc...) This is a very easy hairstyle to manage. Just use hair spray, mousse whatever and twist a little here and pull a little there. Some women are also using this for short styles. This easy, messy do is here to stay.

The short business cut. This has always been in. Everyone from George Bush and Jeff Gordon to Jay Leno sport this one. It can be parted to either side, brushed back or down. There are many variations. Sometimes it even looks like a bowl cut - popularized in the days of Leave it to Beaver, the Beverly Hill Billies, Green Acres and other shows that highlighted inbreeding in society.

The mullet. This big hair style of the 80's is actually making a comeback. Wrestlers, country singers, even wanna-be stars like Kevin Federline have been seen wearing mullets. The mullet originated with car salesmen in the 1970's. It was a fun, easy do that was business in the front and party in the back. They could tie it in a pony tail and keep it under wraps at work and then let it out for partying. There are many variations even including the rat tail (hopefully this won't come back). There isn't much care needed for a mullet. What would George Bush, Dr. Phil, Ryan Seacrest, or even Simon Cowell look like with a mullet? I bet ratings for American Idol would double.

The medium-long cut. Basically this is where the hair is about 3-4 inches long across the top and shortened as it comes don the back to about 1-2 inches. One just puts moose or gel in it and works it in and then comes their hair back with their fingers. This is a cut primarily for those with wavy hair as it will show off and glamorize your curls. This is a star favorite - Antonio Banderas and Tom Cruise have sported this do several times throughout their careers.

Chrome dome. Going for that shiny top, bald look. It works for muscular or dominant people. Just look at Jesse Ventura, Michael Jordan, and UFC president Dana White. It used to be only worn by those going bald, but its popularity has grown to include kids, grandparents, even women looking to make a statement. There have even been people renting out ad space on their newly shaved head for quick cash. It is also a great place to try out a tattoo. If you find you don't like the tattoo, just let your hair grow back.

There you have it. The popular mens hairstyles of this year and numerous variants.

Minggu, 22 April 2018

More Than 35,000 Worldwide Secular Events In United Coalition Of Reason's Free, Global-reaching Secu

More Than 35,000

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Washington, DC, USA, December 23, 2017 /PressReleasePing/ - The United Coalition of Reason (UnitedCoR)"headquartered in Washington, DC"is excited to announce that its completely free mobile app that was designed to help individual non-believers (atheist, agnostic, skeptic, Humanist, freethinker), non-religious and secular-friendly people find others of similar interest and sincerely-held beliefs, has found over 35,000 global secular-friendly events. The app is designed to help people worldwide connect with others of similar interests, and find local organizations that support their point of view.

The first function of the mobile app, for Android and iOS phones, automatically draws updates from thousands of secular calendar web pages, without the burden of data entry. Users can swiftly email calendar events to themselves or to a friend, get more information about groups hosting events, and add an event to their smart phone calendar. Links to download the secular app for both Google Play and Apples iTunes can be found on the UnitedCoR website:, or type in "UnitedCoR" into any app store.

This outreach is the latest effort in a campaign that began in 2009 for the purpose of bringing together the many non-religious individuals and groups that have heretofore been unconnected. Some of UnitedCoR's prior campaigns have included highway and bus billboards in over 40 states and Canada.

United Coalition of Reason's Communications Director, Susann Heap, stated: "We created the UnitedCoR app to provide a centralized location for our current and prospective new members, along with the national and international organizations that want to work together to advance the interests of non-believers worldwide. As the app grows and evolves, we will develop new applications that will be to the benefit of non-religious communities, as well as secular-friendly organizations."

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The United Coalition of Reason ( works to raise the visibility and sense of unity among local groups in the community of reason by providing expertise and resources to help them cooperate toward the goal of raising their public outreach.

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For more information, contact:
Susann Heap
Communications Director
United Coalition of Reason
Washington, DC
(202) 744-1553

Twitter: @UnitedCoR #UnitedCoR

Press Contact:
Susann Heap
Director of Communications
United Coalition of Reason
Washington, DC 20004
(202) 744-1553

This outreach is the latest effort in a campaign that began in 2009 for the purpose of bringing together the many non-religious individuals and groups that have heretofore been unconnected. Some of UnitedCoR's prior campaigns have included highway and bus billboards in over 40 states and Canada.

United Coalition of Reason's Communications Director, Susann Heap, stated: "We created the UnitedCoR app to provide a centralized location for our current and prospective new members, along with the national and international organizations that want to work together to advance the interests of non-believers worldwide. As the app grows and evolves, we will develop new applications that will be to the benefit of non-religious communities, as well as secular-friendly organizations."

# # #

The United Coalition of Reason ( works to raise the visibility and sense of unity among local groups in the community of reason by providing expertise and resources to help them cooperate toward the goal of raising their public outreach.

Minoxidil Side Effects -- Should You Be Concerned

Minoxidil Side Effects

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Minoxidil side effects. Is there cause for concern? This is an interesting question because minoxidil was developed as a drug for controlling hypertension (high blood pressure). While being tested -- studies found a very unusual side effect -- minoxidil re-grew hair in areas where hair was thinning!!

This discovery was completely by accident. After an initial surge of excitement with many people talking up the 'Miracle' in hair restoration. The hype died down and in many cases the results were disappointing.

It was then discovered that although minoxidil would most definitely re-grow hair -- it did nothing for the continued hair loss which was caused by hormones -- in both men and women.

Folks realized that for minoxidil to produce acceptable results -- using the solution would only partly solve the problem. What was needed was a way to stop continuous hair loss -- a way to control the hormones that caused hair to fall out -- and combining this second step with applications of minoxidil seemed to be the perfect solution.

Science discovered methods to reduce hormone levels, which slowed and even stopped continued hair loss. Using that and minoxidil together often produced outstanding results.

It is applied as a solution directly to the area where the hair is thinning and gently massaged in. Care must be taken that it doesn't come into contact with areas where you don't want hair growing.

But your original question still needs to be answered: Are there any minoxidil side effects from applying it to the scalp this way? Anything that would make using minoxidil dangerous or unsafe?

Minoxidil has been used for years by great numbers of people and there has never been a report of a dangerous or life threatening reaction to minoxidil, but as with all drugs care must be used when applying the solution.

Occasionally a small number of people will experience some minor skin irritation -- such as itching, flaking, dryness, and contact dermatitis (skin irritated by contact) and of course minoxidil is harsh enough that you need to avoid any accidental contact with eyes or other sensitive areas.

Never use any solution on broken or damaged skin, most do contain some alcohol, which will definitely cause discomfort.

These side effects are rare, minor and can be dealt with by washing the effected area with cold water.

The greatest side effect from minoxidil is its ability to re-grow hair.

Sabtu, 21 April 2018

Minoxidil Review Benefits and Side Effects for Men

Minoxidil Review  Benefits and Side Effects for Men

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Among the most widely used and best known hair loss treatments is Minoxidil a formulation which is sold under the various brand names such as Rogaine, Regaine, Loniten, Avacor and Mintop and others. The interesting thing about Minoxidil is that to begin with it was developed as a Vasilodator or a treatment for high blood pressure, which was seen to have the interesting side effects of darkening body hair or encouraging hair growth; and was subsequently adopted as a hair loss cure.
We look at some of the pros and cons of Minoxidil for men -

The benefits of Minoxidil are -

1. Though it is not fully understood how exactly it works towards stopping hair loss, we do know that it is a potassium channel opener and that it widens blood vessels, thereby facilitating more blood and oxygen to reach the hair follicles. It may probably act as a nitric oxide agonist. It is also thought that the hair in the telogen phase is shed and in its place, thicker hair grows back due to the Minoxidil treatment.

2. It is a drug that is available without a prescription of the doctor; i.e. it is available over the counter.

3. The benefits of this hair loss treatment are positive for about 50% of male users though some experts say it is effective only 20% of the time.

4. It is most useful for men between the ages of 18 and 41 years of age.

There are however a lot of negative points about using this hair loss solution -

1. The effects of this treatment take time to appear and it is only about 4 to 6 months after starting treatment that a perceivable improvement may be seen.

2. The effect of Minoxidil may be noted only until such time as the hair loss treatments are continued. As soon as one stops using the product, the positive impact will cease.

3. It doesnt work with certain people and certain kinds of hair loss; in fact its effects may be variable and this makes it a less reliable hair loss cure.

4. Low blood pressure could result from this drug and other problems such as increased, lowered or irregular heart rate.

5. There could be allergic reactions to the application such as rashes, itching, peeling, flaking and so on. Sometimes the reaction could be severe enough to cause breathing difficulties.

6. The alcohol present in the formulation tends to dry out the scalp, thereby producing dandruff and even acne

7. There is also a significant problem noted with use of Minoxidil erectile dysfunction and a negative impact on sex drive are a frequently noted side effect of Minoxidil

8. In some cases, Minoxidil has the opposite effect it causes hair loss instead of acting as a hair loss cure.

So the bottom line with Minoxidil is that it should be used with care and after considering all the pros and cons. Take a medical opinion about whether this hair loss solution will work for you given your hair loss type, age, health, fitness levels.

Migraines and Corn

Migraines and Corn

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Corn has long been known as an allergen. Since 1979 when it made the top ten list in an extensive Lancet study, correlations have been made between corn and various allergic reactions - including migraine(1).

Corn seems to be a known allergen for about 17% of the allergic reactions in the study, ranking it fairly high - but few studies have been done to deduce exactly why the corn causes migraine headaches. Some believe it is the histamine reaction from corn than provokes the allergy; much like seasonal allergies to ragweed or other plant based sensitivities.

Others blame the sulfites present in corn related products such as corn syrup and corn starch, and still others claim it is either pesticides used on both corn and wheat crops, or the genetically engineered versions of grains that cause the problems.

As is often the case, formal case studies concentrating on one food allergen in particular are scarce, but personal testimonials abound. One woman remembered testing positive for corn on a scratch test as a child, but her mother had been told she was only allergic to airborne corn pollen. As an adult her migraines became more and more severe until she decided to cut corn out of her diet - whereupon her headaches ceased, returning only when she inadvertently ate corn. Even the corn syrup in a Jolly Rancher or a chocolate bar containing 'glucose syrup' (read corn syrup) would cause an intense migraine(2).

Another victim came to the same conclusion after years of suffering and eliminated corn from her diet as well. This got rid of her migraines as well as alleviating even more symptoms such as IBS. She started a website about corn allergens to educate people about the prevalence of corn use in American foods, and steadfastly maintains the belief that many migraine sufferers would do well to consider avoidance of foods that contain corn and corn products(3).

Many people who report experiencing corn headaches feel that it is the corn syrup and corn starch in many breads, crackers, drinks and sweets that trigger their migraines. These reports in conjunction with corn syrup's bad reputation for contributing to obesity in the US has caused the Corn Refiners' Association to even issue television ads touting the benefits and 'naturalness' of corn syrup(4).

So far, the jury is still out on the overall safety of corn syrup, but the collaborative evidence against corn is overwhelming - too many people have reported migraines connected with corn allergy, and all that is needed is a formal study to prove it.

Research by Grace Alexander

(1) Food, Allergies and Migraine. Grant ECG, Lancet, May 5, 1979;966-969. 37344
(2) The Corn Culprit
(4) Pro Corn Syrup Ad (US)

Jumat, 20 April 2018

Methods for making use of Thinning Shears on Heavy Hair

Methods for making use of Thinning Shears on Heavy Hair

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Studies declare that at a frequent seven from ten persons have no clue regarding a single thing concerning hairdressing - in case you are also among the seven individuals you needn't be concerned. Undemanding hairdressing tactics like thinning hair are quite easily done at home in several difficulty-free methods.

Thinning shears are a pair of scissors specifically created to thin out uncontrollable hair when there is no need of changing the existing look of your hair. Specialist support and services for thinning hair could cost a great deal of bucks; so it will be far better to study hairdressing skills. These shears are like almost every other set of scissors; except they also have one other set of two notched razors attached with them. These blades work through the hair whilst simultaneously cutting some of it and leaving behind some hair in each trim.

Easy methods to Thin out Hair with the help of Thinning Shears Partition the hair right into even sections of generally three inches large and assemble with hair catchers. Take out hair catchers one after the other and thin the hair making use of following basic steps

1.Comb out the division of hair once you have removed a hair clip and secure the hair employing a sturdy hand and try to cut through your tresses. Take into account that there are plenty of varieties of thinning shears for special hair - but if your locks are thicker then go for any set of scissors with lesser tooth-like blades.

2.Reduce your hair through the mid; you must not go near the roots or tips.

3.While clipping, the end of your scissors ought to point up. Cut once again with a reverse incline where the shears are pointing towards the ground.

4.After completing the thinning of a section of your hair; take a moment to analyze it. Be sure you aren't slicing way too much hair.

5.But if your hair is extraordinarily disorderly and dense you might need to implement the above procedure all over again. However if your hair is shorter, be delicate and trim down from the middle merely.

Six Suggestions to Remain Under Your Consideration
6 advices and methods really should be thought about to achieve the best consequences:

Do not cut next to the roots or the ends in your hair. Always cut on the center of your hair.
Cut meticulously - you shouldn't ever chop off a good deal of hair rapidly.
It's suggested to utilize thinning shears on your own hair not more than thrice every year.

A tip meant for notably thick hair: utilize thinning scissors with less number of teeth - the greater the number of teeth it has the lesser amount hair it will take off.

Invest properly in your hairdressing products. A great set of thinning scissors won't just make sure of an incredible thinning cut but will also be preserved for longer.

Utilize hair clips to help you out in the process, significantly when you've got long hair. This keeps you from repeated cutting and makes certain that there's constancy in the cut
for more information visit Hattori Hanzo Shears

Kamis, 19 April 2018

Mens Cologne Recommendations

Mens Cologne Recommendations

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Men's Colognes Recommendations

It wasn't too many decades ago that when a man dressed for a special date, he fussed a bit with his clothes, combed his hair and splashed some Aqua Velva on his neck and shirt collar. Just like his dad and uncles, he wanted to boost his confidence by adding a pleasant and familiar scent to his wardrobe. Clothes made the man, but finishing up with a bit of fragrance was sure to impress a woman.

A few years later, Brut appeared, in its distinctive dark green packaging. Aramis, with is warm, spicy scent joined the shelves, and then Stetson was born, adding a crisp citrus scent to men's colognes. But other than these names, and a few other recognizable brands, guys were stuck in no-man's land concerning cologne.

Something changed in men's fashion - practical, but standard-cut blue suits now hung in the back of the closet. Finally, men were encouraged to choose individual looks - not just in the workplace, but for casual wear, as well. Shirts, pants, shoes and fragrances got stylish; designed to fit the man, instead of forcing him to look like every other guy on the block.

Men's colognes, in particular, became as important a fashion accessory as his style of watch. What was once a no-thought purchase - usually a gift from a wife or girlfriend -- had become crucial to creating the right look and establishing the right attitude.

Today, with so many choices in fragrances, how should a man choose cologne; one that best fits his style?

Obviously, men choose cologne for two reasons: What smells good to the guy who'll wear it, and price. But beware: A typical "smell" test might not be enough to pick a brand you'll still love in six months. Men and women both tend to get immune to their own scents. And price probably won't be the deciding factor when you select a scent that represents you. Though the cost of a fine cologne make anyone swoon, plenty of popular scents are reasonable for any wallet.

To start searching for cologne, grab a few samples available at most department stores. Pick two or three scents and rotate them for a few days. See how people around you act. Ask the woman in your life how she feels about the new aroma. But trust your instincts, as well. Though your samples all smell sweet, does one brand linger longer in the day? Does one of the samples seem a bit strong, especially when you head indoors after spending part of the day outside?

It's especially important to recognize the subtle and extreme differences in men's scents, according to the Fragrance Foundation, the organization responsible for presenting the Fifi Awards, the Oscars of the industry. Foundation members stress the importance of understanding the properties and differences of cologne and aftershave; they're not interchangeable. Men can select from perfume - the most concentrated of fragrances, designed to apply only to pulse points since it's the longest lasting.

Cologne, too, is concentrated and lasting, but blends natural essential oils, aroma molecules and fixatives. Like perfume, cologne can contain several hundred different ingredients. A tip regarding cologne: Since fragrance rises, you should splash it on from the feet up.

Aftershave, of course, made shaving a more pleasant experience -- at least for the face. Today, it comes in two forms - the traditional stand-by, with astringent qualities to heal small nicks and cuts, and the relatively newer kind meant to moisturize and smooth the skin.

None of the three will last all day, so splash some more on if you think your own scent is overwhelming the fragrance. And if your skin tends to be dry, apply the scent more often.

When sorting through recommendations for men's cologne, consider the following factors:

Scent strength (is it strong, moderate or light);

Recommended age range for the man wearing it (is the cologne suited for a mature man, or a teenager);

Scent life (will it last four hours, or stay fresh close to eight hours);

Recommended use (appropriate for the office, or better-suited for a casual dinner); and

Classification (is citrus its primary undertone, or does the scent seem smoky and sexy).

Of that list, the most important factor tends to depends on where you plan to wear it. Men's colognes - even in the days when Old Spice was the most popular choice - can turn your personal style into a lasting memory. The easiest way to consider what you buy (with now-popular scents) are:

Formal Night Colognes

These colognes jazz up a night out on the town; dressy events where you want to leave just the right impression. A current favorite is Kenzo, by Tokyo. The allure of this fragrance is due to blending tranquil Japanese herbs and plants with scents associated with more frenzied Western world: ginger, lemon, grapefruit, green tea, pink pepper and bitter orange. The complexity of the ingredients blend to make a fragrant mixture that's reminiscent of Tokyo itself. Base price: $25.

Another cologne for formal consideration: Antidote, by Victor & Rolf. Men who wear it say it leaves them feeling they entered old-world Europe, with just enough aroma to fit today's more relaxed world. Mint leaves hint at sophistication, while giving way to spiced black pepper and cinnamon, lifting an undercurrent of sandalwood to your own scent . Base price: $90.

Date Night Colognes

You waited a long time to ask, then get a "yes" with that special woman. Even though you've planned a carefree night out, a wise choice here is Capri Orange by Acqua Di Parma. Ingredients hint of summer nights and warm ocean breezes, by combining Sicilian orange, mandarin and sorrento lemon, blended with caramel and musk. It's at the high end of colognes, but as many men attest, it's worth the cost for the extra confidence it provides, creating a night of not-forgotten memories. Base price: $104.

Diesel Fuel For Lifetime Pour Homme by Diesel, also supplies a dose of confidence on a special night out, without requiring deep pockets. But even though it's light on the wallet, this brand is a hot choice for men looking for an urban and totally masculine scent. Star anise is its foundation for this cologne, mixed with grapefruit, raspberry, lavender and dried woods. Base price: $35.

In The Office Colognes

Attitude by Giorgio Armani fits the man who has regular days where you have to roll up your sleeves and get the job done. A blend of Calabria lemon, coffee absolute, shine cedar, lavender, combine to give any man a shot of bravado, without overdoing it, wearing this bold Italian-style aroma. Base price: $45.90

212 is something new from Caroline Herrara, who's entranced and outfitted women for decades. Though her designs tend to be traditional, she recently created 212, her first men's cologne to excite both critics and the public. She cast aside her usual feel when she introduced the sophisticated and sleek aroma made of grapefruit, ginger, mandarin and sandalwood. 212 gives today's man a sense of subtle power in the workplace. Base price: $50 - $69.

Whatever scent you choose, it's a step in identifying and defining your personal style. Long after a hard day at work, a special night out visiting a favorite jazz club or cheering the home team on in the stands, men's colognes are a lasting way to make a personal, and special, mark.

Menkes SyndromeCauses, Symptoms and Treatment

Menkes SyndromeCauses, Symptoms and Treatment

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Menkes syndrome is an inborn error of metabolism that markedly decreases the cells' ability to absorb copper. The disorder causes severe cerebral degeneration and arterial changes, resulting in death in infancy. The disease can often be diagnosed by looking at a victim's hair, which appears to be both whitish and kinked when viewed under a microscope.

Menkes syndrome typically begins during infancy. Signs and symptoms of this disorder include weak muscle tone (hypotonia), sagging facial features, seizures, mental retardation, and developmental delay. The patients have brittle hair and metaphyseal widening. In rare cases, symptoms begin later in childhood and are less severe. It is a X-linked recessive disorder, and is therefore considerably more common in males: females require two defective alleles to develop the disease.


Menkes syndrome is caused by a defect in the ATP7A gene. The defect makes it hard for body to proper distribute and absorb copper. As a result, the brain and other parts of the body do not get enough copper.

Insufficient copper levels can affect the structure of bone, skin, hair, and blood vessels and interfere with nerve function. In the meantime, copper builds up in the small intestine and kidneys. Menkes syndrome is inherited, which means it runs in families. It is inherited in an x-linked recessive condition.

Menkes syndrome is inherited as an X-linked recessive disorder. The disorder is related to deficient levels of copper in the cells. Symptoms include progressive mental deterioration, kinked, twisted and brittle hair, and skeletal changes. Death usually occurs in the first few years of life. About 1 in 300,000 individuals are affected.


Signs include slow growth in the womb, abnormally low body temperature, bleeding in the brain and abnormal appearance of the hair under the microscope. Males will have all of their hairs show abnormal structure but females who are carriers of this trait may show only half the hairs to be abnormal.

Abnormally low body temperature, bleeding in the brain and abnormal appearance of the hair under the microscope. Males will have all of their hairs show abnormal structure but females who are carriers of this trait may show only half the hairs to be abnormal.

Normal or slightly slowed development may proceed for 2 to 3 months, and then there will be severe developmental delay and a loss of early developmental skills. Menkes Disease is also characterized by seizures, failure to thrive, subnormal body temperature, and strikingly peculiar hair, which is kinky, colorless or steel-colored, and easily broken. There can be extensive neurodegeneration in the gray matter of the brain.

Symptoms begin, including floppy muscle tone, seizures, and failure to thrive. Menkes disease is also characterized by subnormal body temperature and strikingly peculiar hair, which is kinky, colorless or steel-colored, and breaks easily. There is often extensive neurodegeneration in the gray matter of the brain. Arteries in the brain may also be twisted with frayed and split inner walls. This can lead to rupture or blockage of the arteries. Weakened bones (osteoporosis) may result in fractures.


The most common treatment for Menkes is copper injection therapy, but the studies of the treatment show mixed results. In general, the earlier the copper therapy is received, the better the results. Also, people with ATP7A mutations that dont completely stop the copper transport in the body respond better to treatment than those with mutations causing absolutely no activity.

In addition to copper therapy, physical and occupational therapy can help maximize developmental potential, and nutritionists can recommend the best diet.

Rabu, 18 April 2018

Men should take care of their skin too

Men should take care of their skin too

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It is a normal thing for women to use different face care products in order to beautify their skin and more recently, a lot of skin care companies have started to bring out men products too. Even though there are not many men who pay attention to their face care, these manly products are still being sold everywhere in the world and in the future, mens products will probably become a must-have. In the meantime, different companies bring out products that are meant to solve mens problems from head to toe. As an example, Anthony men's products range from razor burn and sweaty mitts to stinky feet and this brand has products such as cleansers, toners, moisturizers, and treatments. Anyway, men should take care of their skin too and the following reasons will make you want to buy all kinds of products.
It is said that mens skin is generally oilier than womens skin. Be it true or not, you still need to pay more attention to your skins needs. By paying attention to your skin and taking care of it more, you help to fight against serious illnesses, such as skin cancer. As a matter of fact, you have probably seen a lot of women using sunscreen in their everyday life. Ever wondered why? Well, wearing sunscreen is important not only because you can experience sunburn, but mainly because sun protection fights skin cancer. Moreover, people with fair skin, blue or green eyes, and blond or light brown hair are more prone to develop skin disorders, especially skin cancer. Also, it is said that men tend to tan very easily, so it is recommended that you start using a body lotion or a face cream with SPF. Leaving the sun protection behind, shaving on a regular basis can damage your skin, leaving it with rough texture and dark patches, and the best thing that you can do is use a hydrating face cream that goes well with your skin type. For instance, among Anthony men's products, there is an all-purpose facial moisturizer that is paraben-free and works wonders for all skin types.

Another common skin problem for both men and women is the unwanted acne. Fortunately, nowadays you can find different products that are meant to treat acne-prone skin. If this sounds familiar, then the Anthony glycolic facial cleanser is the way to go. If you have oily skin, the glycolic acid that is found in this facial cleanser will remove excess oil, impurities, and leave your skin feeling fresh and clean. Also, this cleanser will exfoliate, soften your skin and lift stubble before you shave. Anyway, if you wonder why you cannot use womens products for the same purpose, then you should know that there are a few differences between your skin and a womans skin. Yes, you both need cleansing, toning, anti-aging products, and moisturization, but mens skin is oilier in general.

If you want to know more about mens skin care products or if you are willing to test Anthony glycolic facial cleanser or other Anthony men's products, then please check out these links!

Member Bumps and Keratosis Pilaris

Member Bumps and Keratosis Pilaris

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Picture this: A guy is pumped because he thinks he will introduce his bedroom to a new playmate tonight. While getting into the shower before his date, he notices with dismay that his manhood has become afflicted with unsightly member bumps. Its not a situation any dude wants to encounter. Not only is he likely to worry about what this means for his male organ health, but the appearance of these member bumps is likely to discourage his new partner from wanting to get to know him. Clearly he wants to find out the cause of these unwelcome visitors to his manhood. The possibilities are many, and they include a condition known as keratosis pilaris.
What is keratosis pilaris?

Keratosis pilaris has one of those names that makes it sound far worse (and far more serious) than it actually is. The condition is more colloquially referred to as "chicken skin" or sometimes as having goosebumps. Both nicknames come from the physical appearance of the condition.

This common skin condition manifests as tiny bumps, usually quite a few spread out over an area of skin. The bumps often are mistaken for pimples, as they are very similar in appearance. The skin that surrounds the bumps is often dry and may sometimes be scaly. The bumps tend to get worse when weather is dry (and so are typically worse during the winter than in the summer).

But what are these bumps? They are clumps of a substance called keratin. This is a naturally-occurring protein useful in protecting the skin from outside substances and helping prevent it from getting infected. These keratin clumps typically form around hair follicles.

Member bumps

Although keratosis pilaris most often occurs on the arms or legs, it can occur elsewhere on the body - including the member. Though most often on the base of the shaft, it can spread upward and at times even reaches the head. It also can commonly be found on the sacks. (And just for the record, the rear is a fairly common place for the bumps as well.)

The good news is that keratosis pilaris is generally found in people in their teens and early 20s and in most cases disappears by the time a person turns 30. Further good news is that this is a very benign condition; theres no pain, itching or discomfort involved with it. Its only drawback is that some people consider it unattractive.

The bad news is that theres not really anything a guy can do to make it disappear. The clumps tend to stay around until they are ready to go away. However, a man can help to make them less obvious by treating the dry skin around them. Making sure that skin is well moisturized can disguise the member bumps, usually to the point where a person must get up close to even notice them.

They also are not contagious, so there is no need to worry about passing them on to any potential partners.

Treating the member bumps caused by keratosis pilaris can be made substantially easier by daily application of a top drawer male organ health crme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Since the goal is to keep the manhood skin well moisturized, the chosen crme needs to contain both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and an effective, natural hydrating agent (such as vitamin E). This combination helps seal in moisturizing oils. The skin will also benefit if the crme contains alpha lipoic acid. A potent antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid strengthens male member skin by removing the threat of oxidative stress free radicals can pose.

Visit for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Tape Up Hairstyle for Men

Image source: Tape up haircuts for men could be explained as a ...