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For men facing this situation, denial is something that needs to be avoided. If men convince themselves that they are imagining things and that their hair is not actually getting thinner, they will be wasting valuable time that would be better spent looking for remedies that can stop hair loss in its tracks before it can progress any further.
People have a general impression that there is no such thing as a cure for baldness. But in fact, this is not correct, and has not been correct for some time. It is certainly true that for most of human history, the search for a cure for androgenic alopecia (the technical term for male pattern baldness) has been a futile enterprise. In the past three or four decades, however, the science of hair loss has advanced steadily, and treatments for baldness have now been developed that while not perfect do indeed give hope to victims of hair loss where before there was only resignation and frustration.
Once hair begins to get noticeably thinner, there is not a moment to lose. The problem must be faced honestly, without rationalization or wishful thinking, if something is going to be done to change the course of a person's personal hair loss history. Solutions do exist, but the longer those suffering the early symptoms of male pattern baldness wait to take action the less likely they will be to have success when they try to implement those solutions.
Massaging Hair Loss Away
It may seem strange to suggest a simple massage could be the key to stopping hair loss. But we are not talking about a massage designed to stimulate quiescent hair follicles, but rather a massage that involves the use of a very special preparation that can halt the progress of hair loss and even reverse it if given enough time.
The special preparation we are talking about here is an over-the-counter topical medication known as minoxidil, or Rogaine by brand name. First used in the treatment of high blood pressure, minoxidil was eventually discovered to cause hair growth in some men, and when researchers found a way to put it in a solution appropriate for direct application, they suddenly found themselves with an effective hair loss remedy that did not require a prescription to purchase.
A naturally synthesized biochemical called DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, is over produced by those suffering from androgenic alopecia. When existing in overabundance, DHT gets into the hair follicles on the scalp and interferes with hair growth, up until the point where hair starts thinning out and eventually disappears forever. Minoxidil is able to help keep follicles clear of DHT, but it is important to use it on the scalp as soon as possible after hair loss begins, because this medication works slowly, and will only prove decisive against male pattern baldness if used before the process has gone too far.
The Hair Loss Pill
Finasteride, or Propecia by brand name, is a drug that prevents baldness from developing by cutting off the body's production of DHT before it has a chance to do too much damage. The earlier Propecia is taken after hair loss starts the better, because DHT production must be stopped for a long period of time before hair follicles that have been so compromised they are no longer able to grow hair at all can repair themselves well enough to begin producing hair growth again and in some cases, so much damage may have been done that repair is impossible. Reversing hair loss is much easier when the process is started while hair follicles still have most of their natural resiliency intact.
Feed the Body, Starve the DHT
Nutritional supplements are the final type of hair loss solution available, and for some men they have worked brilliantly. Containing vital nutrients and herbal substances that can help control DHT production, inhibit its ability to clog hair follicles and stimulate the process of hair growth regeneration, these supplements are taken in oral form. They have been found in many instances to work even more quickly than the drug-based treatments mentioned above, which can take from three to eight months to begin showing results. The natural ingredients that are found in these supplements restore the body's ability to grow thick and healthy hair on all parts of the head, and they also act to undermine the processes by which DHT is synthesized in excess, thereby helping the body regain its lost equilibrium.
The Best Solution is Acting Quickly
Solutions to hair loss may not work for all sufferers of this demoralizing disorder. However, the one thing we know for sure is that the faster they can be started, the more effective they will be in cutting off the dysfunctional processes by which healthy hair follicles are robbed of their vitality. Men who have started to lose their hair to the ravages of male pattern baldness need to pay close attention to what is happening, and they must be ready to take action immediately when they notice the unpleasant changes that are occurring.