Selasa, 01 Mei 2018

Natural Solutions for Healthy Hair

Natural Solutions for Healthy Hair

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Scalp Care

Wash hair regularly (once weekly) with a suitable shampoo. Use mild shampoos and conditioner to reduce pull on hair while combing.
Apply coconut oil/medicated oil daily on the scalp. Medicated oil should be suitably selected after consultation with an expert Ayurveda doctor. Applying oil makes the hair soft and healthy and helps the hair to grow. These days most people prefer dry hair. But the roots of dry hair become weak very fast and it leads to hair-loss.
Anti dandruff treatment once a week with water boiled with Triphala Choornam + lemon juice or coconut oil + lemon juice.
Use soft hairbrushes to minimize scalp irritation and pull on the hair shaft. Soft brushing improves blood circulation in the scalp and makes the hair roots strong and prevents hair-loss.
Let your hair dry naturally. If hair dryer is needed, keep it on low heat to reduce dryness and irritation of the scalp at a distance of 6-8 inches away from the hair
Avoid wearing hats that can rub on your scalp.
Make hair styles only with expert hands.

Avoid frequent washing of the head. It will damage the hair roots.
Do not comb the wet hair because the wet hair is weak and fragile and can break easily. Allow the hair to dry and then comb.
Avoid hairstyles which pull hair.
Avoid hair coloring and if at all needed color them only once in 2 months.
Avoid cosmetics for hairs.
Avoid frequent change of shampoos.
Do not use a hair dryer daily for drying the hair because it weakens the hair roots

Healthy Mind
Today, life is very fast and people do not get enough time to relax resulting in ill healthy mind problems like stress, anxiety, over ambition, failures, relentless routine etc which create a great impact on body.

Take time to relax. This should be especially done during the continuous stress and strain at office or home. Take at least 15 mins relaxation in between 2 hours of continuous work.
Try to maintain your stress levels and anxiety to a minimum.
Practice Pranayama and Meditation in the morning and in between the work time.

Do not continuously work for more than 2 hours.

Exercise and Sleep
Exercise daily for at least 30 mins. All kind of exercises whether yoga, aerobic, jogging or walking are equally good. It increases the blood circulation to scalp thereby making healthy hair. Exercise should be regular and timely.
Sleep at least for 6-8 hours at night. It helps your body function properly and maintain hair healthy. Get to bed early and wake up early.

Advice at home
Take some warm water in a vessel, dip a towel in it, squeeze it and wrap it around the head. When it gets cold, unwrap it and repeat the same process for five minutes. Apply oil into the hair a day before steaming. Mild steaming keeps the hair soft like silk and healthy. This mild steaming increases the blood circulation to the scalp and makes hair root strong. Never Keep the towel TOO HOT on head.
Soak dry Amla(Emblica officinalis) or nellikka overnight in water. Next morning wash your hair with it. It will strengthen the hair roots. It is also beneficial for the brain and eyes.
Wash and massage your scalp with juice of long cucumber. It causes thick growth of hair.
Hair growth can be stimulated by applying henna (Mehandi) leaves boiled in mustard oil.
A mixture of coconut oil, lemon juice and egg yolk in the desired proportions kept for 1 hour on scalp will strengthen hair roots and prevent hair loss. Care should be taken to wash the paste thoroughly while bathing.

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