Kamis, 31 Mei 2018

Services Offered By The St Augustine Wedding Photographers

Services Offered By The St Augustine Wedding Photographers

Image source: http://cdn.wedding-spot.com/images/venues/6230/The-Wedding-Authority-Wedding-Augustine-FL-1.1443691882.jpg

Did someone just say wedding?! The term itself gives you goosebumps, doesnt it? As they say matches are made in heaven but the knots are tied down on Earth. Loveliest days of our lives should be preserved forever. Engagements and weddings are a few of them. Hence, you should come to the best photographers to capture your wedding at St Augustine.

You get a number of great photographers with specialization in wedding photography as well as engagement photography. However, before you book them and hand them all the responsibility for your big day, there are a number of things you need to know about these wedding photographers.

When we look for wedding photographers, what exactly do we look for? Well, the basic thing we are in search for is expertise. We dont want photos that will not look good or wrongly timed. These guys will take care of that. Years of experience have made them pros in this field. They will capture the rarest moments that a human eye might miss.

These companies offer you with all kind of customized packages for engagement, weddings and even destination weddings. Apart from these, they provide portraits, engagement photographs, maternity shoots, events and other festivals or occasions. These companies are reasonable enough with a number of surprising elements in the whole package.

Now, you must be thinking why should you waste so much money on photographers when you have so many people and well-wishers around you with cameras and phones in their hand? The answer is simple. Professionalism.

Why hire these wedding photographers?

Weddings are hectic. With so many things going on together, it is difficult to keep a track of what is going on. Amidst all this, all you need is a lovely bunch of angels who will capture each and every moment, happy and emotional forever. They will not disturb you, they will not ask you to move where and there, but create a magic out of who you really are. The real emotions of all your relatives are captured in one frame and that will stay with you forever.

The photographers are easily available and flexible with your dates. They attend one client at a time. They personally mix and mingle with you and your family so that they can bring out the real you in the photographs. This type of customized service has made these wedding photographers the talk of the town.
These fellows are continuously conducting researches on how they can improve their work. Thats the reason why they have developed their skills as photographers over the years. They dont take their work for granted and its more of a passion for them.

Finally, they know all about customer satisfaction. With them, you will enjoy each and every moment of your wedding. Every individual is different so it is pretty obvious that their choices will be different. Wedding photographers at St. Augustine have the patience to sit with you and chalk down your priorities and bring the exactly same moments in the frame.

So, if you have you wedding day or any other event coming up soon, please feel free to contact them. A big day like this needs a big preparation and if a little bit of spending can make this happen, then go for it.

Scientists Confirm New Formula For Herbal-H Hair Loss Treatment

Scientists Confirm New Formula For Herbal-H Hair Loss Treatment

Image source: http://morgellonsdiseaseawareness.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/images/Proxabrush.27640549_std.jpg

Those weighed down with despair due to early hair loss treatment have much more to cheer now. Herbal-H, the pioneer in providing special hair growth formula, is now releasing a new and upgraded formula of their acclaimed hair growth treatment solution for their customers. The new product is priced at the old price, therefore offering more value for money to customers.

Constant Innovation

To provide better hair growth solutions to their customers, the scientists at Herbal-H have been constantly striving to create new formulas and treatments for better hair growth. As a result of their efforts, they released a new hair growth technology formula containing a combination of two percent Minoxidil with other herbal extracts to form herbal Minoxidil, proved scientifically to effectively re-grow hair. This happened in 2009. Now, with their latest offering, they have raised the bar once again. In March 2011, they are going to launch the newer version of the same air growth formula, but now with three percent Minoxidil at the same old price. This means a better hair loss solution at the same price proving to be a good value for money buy.

The Herbal-H hair re-growth solution mainly starts working by cleansing the scalp pores. The penetrating peel technology employed in the treatment provides a deep hydration with hair follicle. The solution is also proved to accelerate blood circulation and enhance the hair volume along with nourishing the roots. The herbal extracts included in the treatment also provide all the essential nutrients needed by the hair follicles to regain their functions. But, it is important that one uses it for three months regularly for it to have any kind of positive effect on the hair growth. The hair growth formulation of Herbal-H has an accuracy rate of over 95 percent among those suffering from alopecia and an impressive 50 percent success rate among those suffering from male-pattern baldness.

Effectiveness of Herbal-H

Herbal-H is considered to be the safest and one of the most effective hair loss treatments available in the market. Their treatments are basically formulated to treat androgenetic and seborrhic alopecia, though the treatments have been observed to have an exceptional effect on other forms of alopecia too. Unlike other treatments containing drugs and chemicals that can harm a person, Herbal-H formulas use only the herbal extracts to develop their solutions. Their solutions have also been authenticated and approved by National sanitation department for their antitoxic contents. Along with these usual benefits, the treatment is said to have absolutely no side effects, unlike the other hair loss treatment of the market.

Therefore, those who are still spending money on expensive treatments to re-grow their hair can now have a relieved breath. With the mild and non-toxic formula of the treatment, they can avoid a lot of health problems caused due to chemicals that are included in other treatments. Therefore, with the new improved version of Herbal-H hair growth hair spray in the market, the process of growing your own hair will become altogether easier and less cumbersome.

Rabu, 30 Mei 2018

Scary Air Pollution Facts

Scary Air Pollution Facts

Image source: https://img.haikudeck.com/mg/380F8F85-1713-4E50-AC67-0553EF8711F9.jpg

There are some very important facts about air pollution that you should be aware of that can ultimately keep you from serious harm and could actually save your life. When you dig deeper in to studying air pollution facts, you will find them very disturbing. It will become very evident that the move you planned on making to a major city, or the type of hairspray that you use will require some serious thought.

One of the scariest air pollution facts is that people who live in major cities like New York City, Pittsburgh, or Los Angeles live on the average of 2-3 years less than people in cities with cleaner air. This reduced life expectancy is directly due to the health consequences of continually breathing polluted air. Life is short enough so why subject yourself to unhealthy situations that will shorten our life?

Most people believe that industries are the biggest cause of air pollution. This is only partly true, They only contribute about 10 percent of the total cancer risk in major cities. The remaining 90 percent of the cancer risk comes from the various modes of transportation. These include not only the major polluter, the automobile, but also trucks, buses, ships and trains. While major cities don't have a lot of lawns like the suburbs do, you would be shocked to find out how much pollution you generate by the simple act of mowing your lawn. The fact remains is that most air pollution is generated by humans burning fossil fuels.

Another scary fact is that children breathe at a faster rate than adults and as a consequence, they breathe in much more polluted air than an adult. This increased exposure to air pollution has been directly connected to increase incidence of childhood asthma. Asthma has been noted to be the leading reason that children miss school.

It has also been estimated that 6.1 to 51 million work days are lost due to air pollution in just one year in the United States.

Health problems caused by air pollution costs more than money and lost time in school or work, it can actually cost you our life. If your home, office or school is located near a high traffic area, you have an increased risk for lung disease, bronchitis asthma and even cancer.

Armed with the knowledge of these air pollution facts, you will have a better understanding of the reasons you need to cut down on the pollution in the air that you are breathing. One of the most time tested methods to cut down on pollution is car pooling. If you are lucky to have several co-workers living in the same area, car pooling not only cuts down on the amount of toxic emissions being introduced into the air, it also saves you money If everyone made an effort to car pool, you would see a significant reduction on the amount of air pollution not only in these major cities but all over the world.

Add to this the fact that chemicals used in the homes such as aerosol hair spray, and copy machines used in offices, are also a major contributor to air pollution. Switching to environmentally safe products will eventually become the norm as the toxic chemicals that are found in nearly everything we use on a daily basis, are eliminated.


The fact remains that air pollution is a huge problem and although great strides are being made to reduce the situation, most people are overwhelmed by the scope of the problem. If everyone took small steps to reduce air pollution, the air we breathe would be in much better shape than it is now.

Scalp Massage made easy!

Scalp Massage made easy!

Image source: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51qBXgqxUpL.jpg

Scalp Massage is both an art and a science, since it has a technical part, and therefore, live in constant change and adaptation. Its benefits evolved from simpler techniques to provide relaxation and promote sleep, to the specific development of some more complex to alleviate or eliminate disease. Many scalp problems are caused because the hair follicles, especially those in the back of the scalp get an irregular oxygenation and low in nutrients. By stimulating circulation through massage, it promotes the nutrition of the tissues and cellular exchange producing a vasodilatation that helps the penetration of products.

This type of massage is very beneficial to the calp, it helps to dilate blood vessels and also provides a great relaxation. It is highly recommended to remove the stress, strain of work, even for couples to have a maximum time of relaxation, enjoy moments of tranquility and even for headaches that bother us. It is also benefit to relieve mental and muscular stress. Other benefit is that it improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage of the head and neck. It also improves mobility and muscle tone of the area of the head, neck and shoulders and relieves eyestrain, migraines, sinusitis, congestion and insomnia. If you do the massage with the use of vegetable oil, it will greatly influence the health of our hair because the scalp massage stimulates blood flow to the follicles. If it is made with special oils, it will remove dandruff and prevent hair loss promoting their growth and beauty.

To do a good hair massage, the atmosphere should be relaxed and quiet with soft music (if you want). We should be sitting comfortably and relaxed. Avoid talking, and if it is done, should be in soft tone. The person who will perform the massage may be relaxed with skillful and sensitive hands. The Scalp Massage must work three deep levels: superficial (skin), medium (subcutaneous tissue) and deep (muscle). We must go from surface to depth.

For best results, you need to do a massage technique using circular motions with your fingertips in the neck, putting slight pressure up and down. Then repeat the same procedure in the central area of the head to the front. With hands on the sides of the head, place the thumbs below the ears and give a massage with the other fingers in a circular way, down to the side and removing the fingertips occasionally. Continue until you feel how the blood circulates, thus feeling a temperature change. Finally, massage gently through the whole head down to the neck and shoulders. This massage should be performed two or three times a week for best results.

A scalp massage is a more direct attack on these physical effects of stress. If we treat our hair generously with this natural and de-stressing massage, we can get optimal ingredient absorbency. The best way to nourish your hair is to massage it with warm oil mainly infused with beneficial herbs. If you want to enjoy a rich unique moment of relaxation, take a few minutes of your time and do a hair massage. You will not regret it.

Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

Scalp Eczema And Dandruff Almost Similar But Different Scalp Conditions

Scalp Eczema And Dandruff Almost Similar But Different Scalp Conditions

Image source: https://blackhairinformation.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Dandruff_summer-2014.jpg

When flaking occurs on your scalp, it can only mean two things. One possibility is that you have scalp eczema; another is that you have dandruff. Dandruff and scalp eczema may seem like they're the same thing but these are two completely different scalp conditions.

Scalp eczema is a symptom related to a chronic skin condition called sebaceous dermatitis or seborrheic eczema. The skin condition involves the inflammation or irritation of the skin as with all other types of dermatitis or eczema. With this particular type of eczema, the skin irritation only affects the scalp, face, ears, chest, and areas of the torso that have skin folds. Every time it is set off, eczema rashes will show in any of these areas without hesitation.

In contrast to scalp eczema which is caused by a chronic inflammatory skin condition, dandruff may or may not be chronic. Dandruff is simply a term assigned for the process wherein the scalp naturally sheds dead skin cells. Shedding of dead skin cells anywhere on the body is normal. In people who have regular dandruff, they can shed up to 487,000 dead skin cells per square centimeter of scalp. Those that have chronic dandruff, however, will shed twice as much than normal and show signs of it whenever triggered by an irritant. Flaking only occurs in the scalp with dandruff.

The scalp flaking with both scalp eczema and dandruff are actually the same. White and yellow flakes can be observed on the surface of the scalp, causing irritation and itching. The flakes can also be accompanied by redness of the scalp. An early case of sebaceous dermatitis is difficult to distinguish from dandruff, especially if scalp eczema is the only evident symptom. Usually, the sebaceous dermatitis has gone worse and already shows symptoms other than scalp eczema by the time that it is diagnosed. Severe scalp eczema which causes thick and greasy scalp flakes is also a symptom that can be clearly told against dandruff because it looks different.

Despite the similarity of scalp eczema and dandruff, they have different sets of causes. Scalp eczema and sebaceous dermatitis or seborrheic eczema is mainly caused by stress although the lack of vitamins B6, B12, and biotin, excess intake of vitamin A, and fungal infections have been linked to the skin disorder as well. Dandruff, especially in people who chronically suffer from them, tend to show signs of it as an allergic reaction to certain hair products that they recently used. But dandruff can also be caused by sudden climate changes (similar to scalp eczema) and excessive sweating.

There are different approaches to treating and preventing dandruff. Since it is an allergic reaction to the use of certain hair products, avoiding known scalp irritants are the best way to avoid getting dandruff. The use of dandruff shampoos can also help treat and provide relief from itching of the scalp with dandruff. These dandruff shampoos usually contain salicylic acid, sulfur, zinc pyrithione, and selenium sulfide.

Dandruff shampoos can also be used with scalp eczema to provide relief from the itching. However, since scalp eczema is mainly caused by stress, the best step is to take action against all stressors by getting enough sleep and the right nutrition. Psychological stress can be avoided by taking personal steps against it. Antifungal medications like terbinafine, Fluconazole, ketoconazole, and sodium sulfacetamide can also be prescribed with sebaceous dermatitis. Supplementation and diet changes can also be implemented, especially if the scalp eczema is triggered by poor nutrition.

Dandruff and scalp eczema have similar and dissimilar qualities to both of them with regards to symptoms and treatment. But these two conditions are not to be confused with each other because despite their similarities, they are two distinct scalp conditions.

Senin, 28 Mei 2018

Scalp Eczema 3

Scalp Eczema 3

Image source: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/183029456430-0-1/s-l1000.jpg

If you have scalp eczema, then you know just how horribly irritating and potentially embarrassing it can be. However, you are not alone. Many people worldwide also suffer daily from this problem. Eczema is a condition that can show up anywhere on the body where there is skin, but for some reason scalp eczema is more prevalent than any other variety of the malady. Unfortunately, eczema has no cure, but can be controlled with medication and attention to the environment, and has been known to clear up and never return, though the potential is always there.

How Does My Scalp Eczema Start?
Scalp eczema usually begins as a mild case of dandruff. In some people, it stays just that a mild case of dandruff that is easily gotten rid of with the use of a good dandruff shampoo. However, in others, the dandruff continues to get worse and worse. Your head is flaking like a snowstorm, and it begins to itch so intensely that you can barely get anything done because you are scratching so frequently. The skin on your scalp becomes very red, sore, and irritated. You might see scaly bumps on your scalp. Your frenzied scratching can even cause sores and bleeding to occur. Sometimes, there is even hair loss in the area, but this hair will grow back whenever you have managed to clear the eczema up. Men seem to have scalp eczema more frequently that women, but quite a few women are sufferers, too. Teenagers who are in the puberty stage can also frequently be observed with scalp eczema. In their case, it is thought to be cause by the influx of hormones normal for teens that are at this point of their lives.

What Causes My Scalp Eczema?
No one knows yet just what definitely causes scalp eczema. Many studies have been done attempting to isolate the cause, but so far, they have not been successful. The only things that these studies have been able to discover are some of the reasons why scalp eczema is such a problem for so many people. These reasons include The boys hormonal system, which can fluctuate with age A skin fungus that could be caused by a systemic yeast overgrowthA buildup of toxins, which causes your immune system to have to work very hard in an attempt to dislocate and rid the body of these interlopers.

Too much stress in your daily life coupled with a sleep deficit.

What Symptoms Will I Have with Scalp Eczema?
You will think that you merely have a case of dandruff to begin with, and will probably try to clear it up by using medicated shampoo from a drugstore. Sometimes, if the dandruff is mild, you can back the scalp eczema off a degree or two with the use of such a product. However, normally you will experience intense itching that you will go almost mad trying to scratch and relieve! Your scalp will become irritated and red, and may even develop sores. The oil on your scalp will appear excessive to the point where it is very noticeable, and may even be visible as a yellowish substance. The minor dandruff flaking will become much worse, and you may have crusty areas form in the scalp.

How Can I Treat My Scalp Eczema?
When you seek medical treatment for scalp eczema, your health professional will more than likely give you steroids in the form of hydrocortisone. This is not the best treatment, for although the steroids will stop the itching, they do nothing to clear up the real problem. Treatment will mainly consist of medicated shampoos, lotions and creams to get the symptoms under control and into remission, hopefully never to rear their ugly heads again.

You can use a variety of natural treatment including slight diet adjustments for a while and also by using natural oils such as hemp or neem and lavender to soothe and heal.

You can also do a lot to help your scalp by using products that are gentle on your skin instead of harsh cleansing ingredients found in most shampoos. To find a good shampoo for scalp eczema look for one that doesnt contain sulphates (a harsh foaming agent called a surfactant) and instead contains natural surfactants like yukka or coconut.

Scalp eczema and other scaly scalp conditions can be eliminated by understanding what to avoid and what you can use at home to nourish and heal your scalp.

Saved from the Grave How To Fix a Condemned House

Saved from the Grave How To Fix a Condemned House

Image source: https://www.articlecity.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/condemned-house.jpg

Saved from the Grave: How To Fix a Condemned House

House boarded off and posted with a warning sign?


Afraid to say, any dwelling with this posting is marked for condemnation. Public authorities have found the building in violation of local housing codes. Officials will send a letter to the owner (and tenants, if applicable) explaining the situation and requesting immediate evacuation of the dwelling.

Not all is lost! There is often only a specific problem in the condemned house that you need to fix. However, all occupants must still vacate the premise until you deal with the issue.

Read on to learn how to deal with this issue.

Common Causes of a Condemned House

Every local jurisdiction has its own housing code. Below are the common requirements a building must provide to offer safe housing.

Plumbing and Hot Water
Heat and/or Air Conditioning
Electricity and Lighting
Free from Pest Infestation

In some circumstances, a condemned house marks the end of the road. Public authorities can seize properties through eminent domain, with reasonable compensation. This occurs when officials need the land for a developing project that will benefit the public good.

In others, the buildings structural integrity may be hazardous and in need of removal. Owners of the dwelling will have to organize and fund the costs for demolition.

When authorities find a building unfit to live, they will issue a demand to vacate the building. Then, they will seal the doors and windows to deny access. A warning sign will state that no trespassing is permissible on the property.

How to Save a Condemned House

Most houses fail to pass housing inspection only in a certain area. When this is the case, seek out local repairmen to fix it, like plumbers, exterminators, electricians, etc.

If the violations seem manageable, you can do the repairs yourself. Check out our articles on household pest removal and hacks for repair and remodeling.

Public authorities will likely have discontinued all utilities. Contact the local providers to have the gas, electricity, and water re-connected before the next inspection. The building must be in full operation and presentable for an inspector to pass it suitable for living.

If this sounds like too much of a hassle, consider selling the condemned building. A firm like Mark King Properties can offer fair compensation to quickly take the house off your hands. Selling the house is stress-free solution that leaves both parties happy.

To the Grave No More!

If you have a condemned building, its best to take action immediately.

Every day a building remains vacant is a further loss in investment. You can fund and/or manage the repairs yourself or seek outside aid to take the problem off your hands. Either way, consult legal advice to ensure proper adherence to the law and housing code in your local jurisdiction

Comment below if you have more questions about how to fix a condemned house. If you have dealt with this problem before, feel free to share your experience and guide others.

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Minggu, 27 Mei 2018

Satinique Styling Products

Satinique Styling Products

Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhS5-lb4cMTxCHGhuUuMjSSu9xkWtXewinTfpszu9AlyR5LAi7JCVOKBQzXgL7wV4hVO3ZLJYF88RKVL0jCBPbzBmqTWA_ROSo-gTjP-inQCRkrEZILvmIVSil4uBFXDAWNc79kO02amWgA/s1600/DSCN6465.JPG

Everyone wants to have great-looking hair, but who has the time (or the money) for regular visits to the salon? Buying the expensive salon products may work great for your hair, but it doesn't work out so well for your wallet. Is it possible to have beautiful, salon-worthy hair at a reasonable price?

Satinique products are designed to give you healthy hair and a healthy scalp, targeting dry and damaged areas of hair. Satinique does what its name suggests - your hair will feel like satin after using Satinique styling products. These quality hair-care products, which include Satinique's new line of styling products (Piece Out Styling Stik, Smooth Moves Shaping Crme, and Brillian Hair Polish) will leave your hair looking like a million bucks - without costing just that much to look great.

"SATINIQUE products solve hair problems by working on both the health of the scalp and hair, making hair smoother, shinier and more resilient. Salon quality SATINIQUE products repair, strengthen and protect in one use."
- Amway website, Satinique, May 2006

Allergy tested, alcohol free Satinique products contain sunscreen to protect your hair's moisture and prevent damage. Satinique styling products will leave your hair smooth and shiny, giving you that salon-fresh feeling. Even dry and damaged hair will look smooth and shiny after using Satinique products, which are designed to replenish your hair's natural vitamins and minerals.

"Smoothly coating the hair surface, they leave hair looking shinier and healthier. The allergy-tested, alcohol-free formulas will not dry hair, while moisturising agents actively promote healthy moisture content."
- Amway website, Satinique, May 2006

Use Satinique styling products and express yourself with the latest product line from Satinique: Piece Out Styling Stik, Smooth Moves Shaping Creme, and Brilliant Hair Polish. Released just this past Spring, this new line from Satinique has everyone talking hair.

"The new SATINIQUE styling products include Piece Out Styling Stick, Smooth Moves Shaping Crme and Brilliant Hair Polish," says Peggy Florence. "Piece Out Styling Stick is a lightweight defining pomade that gives you texture and control so you can spike up or smooth down your look.'"
- Press Release, April 02, 2006

Satinique products are designed to repair and strengthen your hair, as well as giving you extra gloss and shine. Want healthier, shinier hair? The answer may be Satinique, and their newest line of styling products will give your hair a beautiful, shiny, stylish look that makes you look like you've just come from the beauty parlor.

"All SATINIQUE and SATINIQUE ADVANCED styling products contain Meadowfoam Seed Oil complex with UVA/UVB sunscreen. They offer protection from sun damage and the effects of heat styling, helping to protect the moisture content of the hair."
- Amway website, Satinique, May 2006

With Satinique, the name says it all. Many are raving about the products from Satinique, which aren't just limited to styling products. Satinique offers a whole line in hair care, including shampoos and conditioners to leave your hair clean, sweet-smelling, and more beautiful and healthy than before. Growing in popularity all the time, Satinique products are becoming more widely available. The Satinique web site will give you information on buying directly from them.

You don't have to spend a fortune, or spend all your time at the salon, to get great-looking hair. With Satinique styling products, you can express yourself and show the world the hair you've always wanted to have. To give your hair a healthy, glossy gleam, try the latest Satinique styling products: Piece Out Styling Stik, Smooth Moves Shaping Crme, and Brilliant Hair Polish. Your hair will thank you for choosing Satinique, and you'll be pleased with how great you look.

Safe Pet Air Purifiers - 5 Features That Make Them Safe For You and Your Pet

Safe Pet Air Purifiers - 5 Features That Make Them Safe For You and Your Pet

Image source: http://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB18SmfLpXXXXXSXFXXq6xXFXXXg/201757974/HTB18SmfLpXXXXXSXFXXq6xXFXXXg.jpg

Having pets in your life means you've got a lot of love in your home. But with a warm blooded pets such as dogs, cats, birds, ferrets (to name a few) comes hair, dander, and sometimes even odor.

An air purifier designed with pets in mind should be effective without sacrificing their safety. Here are 5 features to look for that will make your air purifier safe for the pets and humans who live in your home.

Rugged -- Your air purifier should literally be made of steel. Young animals (older ones too) can be curious and chewy. A cleaner with a body made of steel makes it virtually impossible for your pet to break off small pieces that could cause a choking hazard.

You should also be able to place your unit within 6 inches of any wall without losing effectiveness. Minimizing the cord helps avoid tripping and discourages chewing.

Does Not Off-Gas -- When the motor heats up the outer casing of the purifier, if it is made of plastic, the heated plastic will often send unpleasant and unhealthy fumes into the air.

You certainly don't want to spend money on a purifier that adds to the problems rather than taking those you already have away. A steel casing eliminates the possibility of off gassing.

Lead Free Paint -- Many air purifiers available on the market that are made in other countries may in fact still use some percentage of lead in the paint. If the product is made in the United States, manufacturers must comply with using paint that does not contain lead and that is safe for both humans and pets. A powder coat finish on the purifier that is lead free assures the safety of all.

Runs Safely 24 Hours a Day -- Since pet hair, dander, and odor don't take a break, your air cleaner can't afford to either. If it is to keep ahead of your pet, it needs to run 24 hours a day every day.

A split capacitor motor in the technical specifications means that the motor is designed for continuous high revolutions per minute and will clean the air effectively, and safely whether you are at home or not.

Fresh Air is the Only By-Product -- Make sure that the only by product the unit sends into your home is fresh, clean smelling air. Avoid those that use ionizers, or ozone. Not only are they unsafe, but they are not as effective as purifiers that have high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filters plus carbon-based filters that remove odor.

Sabtu, 26 Mei 2018

Sabi Sands Safari Is The Real Gem Of Africa Where You Will Love To Spend Couples Of Days!

Sabi Sands Safari

Image source: http://www.silverspoonlondon.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/DSC_83111.jpg

Spending a holiday in Africa and you are not visiting the safaris of this part of the world; it seems to be an annoying situation for sure! There are hardly any African holiday packages that appear as a complete one without a visit to the African safaris. And when you are looking for the best African holiday packages, a tour to the Sabi Sands safari should be added to make the holiday look fabulous and more memorable. A tour to the Sabi Sands safari can really help you get close to the African nature. The Mother Nature has blessed this part of world with assortment of wild animals, amazing landscapes and the great Savannahs.

And this time, you are going to explore all these aspects of African nature simply by going for the African holiday packages offered by the leading travel agency in Africa. When it comes to Sabi Sands safari, Nikoroh Bush lodge may appear as the best place to stay. This place is known for its wildlife that has managed to thrive here in a great way. This is the place, where guests can have the real opportunity to explore and feel what it takes to be a part of the African nature. This place is located right at the heart of Sabi Sands safari which is also a privately owned game reserve. This safari is also sharing its boundary with the Kruger National Park.

A major part of this border is still unfenced. Its the Nikoroh Bush Lodge which is considered as the actual gem of Sabi Sands safari. Whether you are here for the first time or you are an avid traveler, you will surely love to explore this game reserve which has become very popular among tourists these days. In order to make your holiday a more laid back style, the leading travel agency in Africa has come up with such African holiday packages that carry a stylish accommodation facility, great foods and great amenities.

The meals you are going to be served here are amazing and can fill your taste buds with great joy. There will be a dedicated, professional and qualified chef to prepare such food items for the guests. and to offer you more, there will be African drummer who will play the traditional drum around you. This brings enormous entertainment for the guests. you can even dance with the beats of drums and can make your holiday a completely enjoyable one. When you dance and hear to the drum beats around the open fire called as Boma, your heart and mind will be filled with sheer enjoyment for sure.

Its the night time when the open fire can set the right tone and mood for you under the wide and dark sky of Africa. Your tour to the Sabi Sands safari will become very memorable and you will surely not like to forget this so quickly. Here, you can also take advantage of both nature walls and game drive which is offered to all the guests.

Reproductive System Concerns Every Woman Should Be Aware Of

Reproductive System Concerns Every Woman Should Be Aware Of

Image source: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/sebin/v/v/patient-information.jpg

A womans reproductive health is maintained by certain hormones. They control menstruation, fertility, and menopause.  It is vital to take steps to protect the reproductive system from infections and injuries in order to prevent various health problems. Common reproductive health issues are ovarian cancer, polycystic ovarian disease, fibroids and uterine cancer.

Major reproductive system concerns

1. Ovarian cancer 

Ovarian cancer is referred to any cancerous growth that appears in the ovary. Cancer can occur in the outer lining of the ovary, related areas of the fallopian tubes and the peritoneum.


Ovarian cancers will have little or no symptoms in the early stages. Some women will experience symptoms similar to other conditions, such as premenstrual syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, or a temporary bladder problem. But the symptoms would worsen over the course of time.

The following are examples of possible early symptoms of ovarian cancer:

Pelvic and abdominal pain
 Pain on the lower part of the body
 Pain in the lower stomach
 Indigestion or heartburn
 Abdominal fullness
 Frequent urination

In the later stages, patients will experience symptoms like nausea, weight loss, breathlessness, tiredness and loss of appetite.


Ovarian cancer is caused by the uncontrollable reproducing cells in the ovary. Some of the major risk factors include:

 Family history: Women with a family history of ovarian cancer, or breast cancer are more prone to the chance of developing ovarian cancer compared to other women.
 Age: Women above 65 years are having a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer.
 Breast cancer: Women who have a history of breast cancer have an increased chance of developing ovarian cancer.
 Hormone replacement therapy: Hormone replacement therapy slightly elevates a woman's risk of developing ovarian cancer.
 Endometriosis: Occurrence of endometriosis increases ovarian cancer risk by 30 percent.

Diagnosis of ovarian cancer

A vaginal examination is performed by the doctor to check for any evident abnormalities in the uterus or ovaries. The doctor will also collect medical and family history of the patient.

Blood test, ultrasound, laparoscopy, CT scan etc are performed in order to diagnose ovarian cancer.

Treatment for ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is treated by ovarian cancer surgery. Chemotherapy, a combination of surgery with chemotherapy, and, sometimes, radiotherapy is also advised by the doctor depending on the type and stage of cancer.


Oophorectomy is the surgical removal of the ovaries. The surgical removal of ovaries will be inevitable in the vast majority of ovarian cancers. This is the first option available for the patient. The procedure includes the removal of ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the uterus, adjacent lymph nodes, and the omentum (a layer of fatty tissue in the abdomen).This technique is termed as a total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. If the cancer is limited to just one of the ovaries, the surgeon may just take out the affected ovary and the adjacent fallopian tube. Thus the procedure will not affect the fertility. The surgery can be performed by using one larger incision or multiple smaller incisions. Usually, this surgery requires a stay in a hospital for a week. One month is needed for the complete recovery.


Chemotherapy refers to the use of chemicals (medication) to destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy is used to target cancer cells that surgery could not remove. Three to six chemotherapy sessions are required with an interval of one month. 

2. Fibroids

Fibroids are the most common non-cancerous tumors affecting the uterus. About 20 to 50 percent of women of childbearing age have fibroids, although not all are detected. 


Some fibroids are asymptomatic while some show mild to severe symptoms. Common symptoms of uterine fibroids are listed below

Prolonged menstrual periods
Irregular bleeding between menstrual periods
Pelvic pain
Frequent urination
Low back ache
A firm mass - positioned near the center of the pelvis, which can be felt by the doctor

Risk Factors

Age: Women who are closer to menopause are at the greatest risk for fibroids because of the long exposure to estrogen.
Family History: Women with close relatives having fibroids are more prone to getting fibroids.
Pregnancy: Pregnancy increases the production of estrogen and progesterone in the body. Fibroids may develop and grow quickly during pregnancy.


Fibroids are usually detected during a regular pelvic examination. The physician could feel a firm, irregular pelvic mass during the checkup.

Diagnostic techniques for fibroids include X-ray, Transvaginal ultrasound, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Hysterosalpingography, Hysteroscopy, Endometrial biopsy and Blood test.


Most fibroids stop developing or may even disappear as a woman approaches menopause. So the doctor monitors the woman's symptoms carefully to make sure that there are no evident changes or developments and that the fibroids are not enlarging.

Fibroids are treated by Hysteroscopic Myomectomy which includes the removal of fibroids without affecting the uterus in order to enable a future pregnancy. In severe cases, Hysterectomy (surgical removal of the entire uterus) will be recommended by the physician.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (GnRH agonists)
This treatment method reduces estrogen levels and results in medical menopause. Sometimes GnRH agonists are used to shrink the fibroid thus making the surgery easier.

Anti-hormonal agents
These drugs resist estrogen production and show effectiveness in treating fibroids. Anti-progestins, which hinder the action of progesterone, are also sometimes used.

Uterine artery embolization
This technique is also known as uterine fibroid embolization. This is a novel, minimally invasive procedure. In this method, the arteries supplying blood to the fibroids are detected, and then embolized. The embolization blocks the blood supply to the fibroids, thus shrinking them.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
They provide relief for symptoms like pelvic pain, menstrual cramps and also reduce heavy menstrual bleeding.

3. Cancer Of Uterus

Uterine cancer is the most common cancer affecting a womans reproductive system. Uterine cancer is marked by the uncontrollable growth of healthy cells in the uterus and thereby forming a mass called a tumor. There are two types of uterine cancer


This contributes to more than 80% of uterine cancers. It starts from cells in the endometrium and commonly called as endometrial cancer. A common subtype of endometrial adenocarcinoma is called endometrioid carcinoma. The treatment option depends on the grade of the tumor, how far it penetrates into the uterus and the stage of cancer.


They develop in the surrounding tissues of the uterine glands or in the myometrium (muscles of the uterus). Sarcoma makes up about 2% to 4% of uterine cancers.


The most frequent symptom of endometrial cancer is unusual vaginal bleeding, varying from a watery and blood tinged flow to a flow that contains more blood. Vaginal bleeding, during or after menopause, is often a sign of a concern.

Abnormal vaginal bleeding, spotting, or discharge.
Difficult or painful urination
Pelvic pain
Sore back and legs

In the advanced stages, the patient may experience loss of appetite, tiredness, and nausea.

Risk Factors

Age: Women above the age of 50 are more prone to this type of cancer. 
Obesity: Obese women have an increased chance of uterine cancer due to the presence of additional estrogen from the fatty tissue. This risk of the cancer is directly proportional to the increase in body mass index (BMI; the ratio of a person's weight and height). Studies suggest that about 40% of cases of the cancer are linked to obesity.
Genetics: Woman having a family history of breast cancer or uterine cancer are having an increased risk of the disease. Risk also increases for women in families with colon cancer and Lynch syndrome.
Pre-existing health conditions: The chances of uterine cancer increases with pre-existing medical conditions like endometrial hyperplasia or diabetes.
Other cancers: Women having a personal history of breast cancer, colon cancer or ovarian cancer may have an increased risk of uterine cancer.
Tamoxifen: Women taking the drug tamoxifen to prevent or treat breast cancer have an increased risk of developing uterine cancer.
Radiation therapy: Women, who have undergone radiation therapy in the past for another cancer in the pelvic area, have an increased risk of uterine cancer.
Diet: Women who consume fatty food may have a bigger risk of uterine cancer.
Estrogen: Prolonged exposure to estrogen or an imbalance of estrogen could increase the risk.


Uterine cancer is treated by uterine cancer surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. Combinations of the above treatments are often suggested by the doctor. Treatment method and recommendations depend on several factors, including the type and stage of cancer, potential side effects, and the patients overall health, age and chance for a future pregnancy.


Surgery involves the removal of the tumor and it is usually the first treatment used for uterine cancer.Hysterectomy involves the removal of the entire uterus. There are two types of hysterectomy - simple hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and cervix) and radical hysterectomy (removal of the uterus, cervix, the upper part of the vagina, and close tissues). For women who have been reached menopause, a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (removal of both fallopian tubes and ovaries) could be performed. Conventional hysterectomy is performed with 1 large incision. Laparoscopy is the recent technique which uses multiple smaller incisions.

4. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common hormonal disorder among women of childbearing age. This disorder is marked by the presence of enlarged ovaries that contain small collections of fluid called follicles.


The signs and symptoms of PCOS often begin soon after puberty is attained. 

Irregular periods: This is the typical symptom of PCOS. The menstrual intervals maybe longer than 35 days. Some women will experience prolonged periods that may be slight or heavy and some others will miss periods for three months.
Elevated androgen levels: Elevated levels of male hormones called androgens may result in physical signs, such as increased facial and body hair (hirsutism), severe acne, and baldness termed as androgenic alopecia
Polycystic ovaries: In this condition, ovaries become bigger and contain numerous small fluid-filled sacs (follicles) which enclose the eggs.
Weight gain: PCOS patients will experience rapid weight gain and obesity
Fatigue: Patients often complain about decreased energy levels and weakness.
Infertility: PCOS is an important cause of female infertility.
Mood Changes: Having PCOS can augment the chances of mood swings, depression, and anxiety.

Pelvic Pain: Pelvic pain may occur with periods, along with heavy bleeding
Headaches: Hormonal changes could trigger severe headaches.
Sleep Problems: Women with PCOS often experience troubles such as insomnia or disturbed sleep. PCOS has been linked to a sleep disorder called sleep apnea. In sleep apnea, a person will stop breathing for small periods of time during sleep.


The cause of polycystic ovary syndrome is not fully known. Several studies have revealed that genetics, excess insulin, and low-grade inflammation has significant roles in developing PCOS.


Lifestyle changes

Home management of PCOS includes weight loss through a low-calorie diet along with moderate exercise activities.

Ovarian cyst removal

PCOS is mainly treated by cyst removal surgery. Large or constant ovarian cysts should be removed as soon as possible to avoid further complications like cancer. There are two types of surgery used to remove ovarian cysts:


Cysts of almost every size can be removed using laparoscopy. In this technique small incisions are made in the abdomen and gas is blown into the pelvis to let the surgeon access the ovaries. With the help of a laparoscope, the surgeon then removes the cyst. The incisions are then closed using dissolvable stitches. This method is less painful and has a faster recovery time.


Laparotomy would be preferred for removing larger cysts. In this method, a single larger cut is made in the abdomen in order to remove the cyst. The entire cyst and ovary may be removed and sent to a laboratory to check whether it's malignant. Stitches or staples will be used to seal the incision.

Jumat, 25 Mei 2018

Removing Airborne Pet Hair - 5 Reasons to Use an Air Purifier to Remove Airborne Pet Hair

Removing Airborne Pet Hair - 5 Reasons to Use an Air Purifier to Remove Airborne Pet Hair

Image source: http://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB19VB5HVXXXXXcXVXXq6xXFXXXN/200466946/HTB19VB5HVXXXXXcXVXXq6xXFXXXN.jpg

Removing airborne pet hair is probably one of the biggest issues that comes with having a pet as part of the family. Whether your pet is a dog, cat, bird, guinea pig or some other adorable creature, pet hair can cause a lot of headache.

Of all the solutions you can try, here are 5 reasons to use an air purifier to remove airborne pet hair for good.

1. Saves Time--Using an air purifier whose motor is designed to run 24 hours means that airborne pet hair is never allowed to build up in your air. This means you'll spend less time cleaning up after your pets and more time enjoying them; and since the hair is removed from the air before it falls, there is less hair to send airborne from the furniture and floor as you move about the house doing normal activities.

2. Cleans Pollutants That You Can't See--Not only does an air purifier removes dog hair that may be visible, but a high efficiency particles arresting cleaner will remove airborne pollutants that you can't see such as pet dander, dust, sand, dirt that goes airborne after a romp in the yard, or the tiny pieces of kitty litter or wood chips that go airborne after your cat or guinea pig romp in their respective boxes.

3. Improves Your Health--Pet hair and dander are often triggers of allergy, and asthma-like symptoms such as sneezing, watery eyes, and worse still full blown asthma attacks. By constantly reducing the level of airborne particles that your pet creates-dust, pollen, feathers, dander, kitty litter, sawdust, you create a safe space where both your family and pets can co-exist happily.

4. It's Economical--In many cases filtering your air with a purifier costs no more to operate that a 60 watt light bulb, so operating the purifier costs minimally more in electricity each month and saves gas because you are not having to continually drive to get other products to deal with pet hair that may not provide a solution to the problem.

5. Safe to Use--If you're like me, you are continually on guard about everything that you introduce into your home because of the adverse effect it may have on your family and your pet-whether it's the food, toys, treats, cleaning solutions, lawn care products-anything and everything.

A well-made air purifier provides only fresh, pollutant free air as a by-product, and is safe for pets and small children because pieces are less likely to be chewed, cause choking, or other injury.

Remove Pet Dander from the Carpets with Carpet Cleaning

Remove Pet Dander from the Carpets with Carpet Cleaning

Image source: http://i0.wp.com/vacuumneed.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/best-vacuum-for-dog-hair.png?resize=549%2C400

Having a pet means an addition in the existing family members. They are so lovely that some people love being around them and just cannot think of spending an hour without them. If they go anywhere, they take pets along with. So pets are an important part of their lives. It is joyful watching your pets playing and growing as you see your kids. Like kids, pets have the habit to create a mess in the house. But kids dont spread any allergens in the air like pets do. Extra care has to be taken to clean the house when you have pets around as they can cause pet allergies.

Image source:  Vacuum Need

Among the whole house cleaning, carpet cleaning holds the significant place as it is likely to attract dirt, dust, dander and hair inside thus making the air dirty. Consistent carpet cleaning is highly crucial to save the house from pet allergens and keeping the kids away from dirt and dander. To remove pet odour, carpet cleaning has a significant role to play. Several people are there who are easily prone to pet allergen so to keep them away from any such thing, carry out extensive carpet cleaning at least once a month.

Having sore eyes, fever or running nose are some of the clear symptoms of pet allergy and if anyone of your family members is suffering from these, you must take it seriously. It is a truth that pet allergy is hard to identify and treat, so I would strongly suggest using vacuum cleaners for frequent carpet cleaning. As hair or dirt gets settled inside the carpet, vacuuming is essential to extract it off.

Invest in some best pet vacuum as it works well for cats, dogs, rabbits and bunnies etc. The most common issue found in pets is pet dander that is dead skin shed by them on the floor, carpets or in beds. If your pets sleep with you on the same bed, it is crucial to vacuum the area once a week to remove pet dander or else you will catch allergy. Skin shedding cannot be stopped as it is not under control so all you can do is use a vacuum or sanitizer spray to reduce the odour. But sprays are a temporary solution as it cannot suck the hair or dander out from the carpet. So the only solution to remove dander is vacuum cleaner or steam cleaning.

Given the fact that dander can cause pet allergy, carpet cleaning has gained a lot of importance in the houses having pets. Now you can hire carpet cleaning services as well to keep the house environment fresh and safe from allergies. In the whole world, carpet cleaning services are available as it is the best method to get rid of pet dander, hair, odour, dirt and dust which gets embedded deep inside the carpet to cause smelly air.

Visit some carpet cleaning services today to remove pet dander from it. 

Vacuuming your house by yourself is better in my opinion. I do also do it by myself. It's really kind of fun to me. Besides, the carpet cleaning services are quite expensive. To be safe from pet allergies you need to keep house pet hair and dander free always. And for that it's recommended that you vacuum your carpet at least once a week. I guess you can assume how much it's going to cost you if you hire carpet cleaner every week.

So, I therefore recommend to have a right vacuum cleaner for carpet cleaning and do it yourself. That's how you will get a self satisfaction of doing your works by yourself and saving money at the same time.

Kamis, 24 Mei 2018

Removal of Fecal Wastes

Removal of Fecal Wastes

Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhMRQyVD3wkaRoR-OLJv5vz6tXa0pyiwCM6xTUuXF11KMg-pEmk0IUrkNDCGHsMAk14qEPYg0XU-6QHP1iHIS9naFtI1kh67yv9plj7eIeH7PScBDCJuGpnQb6G3F0xgja1ojqmTy9SEf8/s1600/049.JPG

A rigorous colon rinse predetermine has two stages: Redouble of fiber intake to smooth the bowel movement, and administration of an enema to release snarl-up.

Most of our diet is poised of very unhealthy food such as chips, fries, burgers, thirst-quencher, and alcoholic beverages. In vogue this society of fast food chains, our colons are being near destroyed.

Our colon, aside from removal of fecal wastes and aid in immersion of dampen, nutrients and salt from the food particles stored in the obese bowels. If dampen is not enough, the waste away will be transformed into liquid form causing diarrhea. If the waste away is in liquid form, it will pass through the colon too quickly and nutrients are not absorbed correctly. The person experiencing this will and feel dehydration and hankering pangs.

On the other hired hand, too much immersion of dampen in the colon and causes problems. Waste will move too gradually in the colon and has the luck to thwart the bowels. This will go ahead to constipation and bloating.

Though enema maybe considered uncomfortable, it is used as an of use colon antiseptic. Using an enema to clean your colon is painless. Water is very essential so so as to the body can flush given away the toxins and fecal matters so as to are gathered in your colon. Without sufficient dampen, our colon cannot prevail on relieve of unasked for supplies from our bodies. The more you drink dampen, the more fecal wastes and toxins your body can flush given away as part of the process of colon distillation and the better the product of the colon distillation process.

If you are experiencing slightly symptoms of a bunged colon previously you start a supplement-based colon antiseptic, you be supposed to work an enema to smoothen the fecal waste away so as to has accumulated in your colon. In vogue as a rule belongings, relatives work by smallest amount two enema treatments for each session to absolutely clean the colon. Although nearby are powers that be who would advise using an enema each period, the amount of enema you be supposed to work be supposed to be based on the frequency of your bowel activities.

The usual colon measures around five or six feet long and can provide area used for around 20 lbs of fecal wastes. However, as the years pass by exclusive of intervention and proper fiber diet, various of these fecal wastes prevail on accumulated in the colon and intestinal lining increasing the amount to body collection of the person by several pounds. It can and add to the bulky midsection of a person or commonly acknowledged as apple portliness or simply the dreaded beer abdomen.

If you still contain sweat in burden by smallest amount two or more bowel activities each period, you can and prepare exercises to your usual routine. Such exercises include trampoline put into effect to enhance the mobility of the digestive tracts. If you prepare not contain the proper equipment used for a trampoline put into effect, you can and prepare twisting put into effect of your belly to strengthen your substance muscles. Improvement of your abdominal muscles can and help in the distillation process.

During the colon distillation process, you be supposed to redouble your fiber intake to expedite it. After the process is accomplished, you be supposed to take sufficient fiber to keep your colon clean and equipped. Nutritionists advise so as to an ordinary person be supposed to take 30 grams of fiber both period. However, as a rule Americans would consume no more than a part of this allowance

Reduce Your Grey Hair with Natural Remedies

Reduce Your Grey Hair with Natural Remedies

Image source: https://beautyhealthtips.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/natural-home-remedies-to-get-rid-of-gray-white-hair1.jpg

Hair grows gray naturally due to various reasons like stress, heredity, illness, vitamin and nutrient deficiency. But the most important factor which turns our hair gray is the rapid decline in melanin which is responsible for pigmentation or color to the hair. The appearance of hair turns to gray when molecules of melanin separate from each other. Hair turns to gray when the production of melanin decreases. So if you want your hair to be in a good condition then try to increase the production of melanin in the body. Some of the main causes of gray hair are thyroid disorders, vitamin B12 deficiency, anemia, smoking, early menopause and also vitigo which is a condition in which skin loses melanocytes and results into gray hair.

There are different natural remedies which are helpful in reducing the graying of hair.

1. Increase the intake of protein rich food like meat, lean, soy, eggs, whole grains and cereals.

2. Increase the intake of foods rich in iron, minerals and vitamin A and B like bananas, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, yoghurt, liver, dried apricots, kidney beans, oysters, eggs and sunflower seeds.

3. Prepare a paste of yoghurt, henna powder and fenugreek seeds. You can also use coffee, basil juice, mint juice and methi seed powder. Apply this paste on your hair and allow it to set for 3-4 hours then shampoo your hair.

4. Stress reduction is an easy and effective natural remedy for graying hair. Rest, exercises and meditations are also necessary to reduce the problem of gray hair. You must find different ways to reduce anxiety and stress as these things contributes towards the gray hair.

5. Massage the butter of cow's milk into the roots of the hair to prevent additional graying. First you have to melt the butter and then spread into the hair and its scalp at least twice a week and then rinse it properly.

6. You can also prepare a mixture of grated fresh ginger and honey. Mix these ingredients and set aside in a container. Take one teaspoon of this mixture every day. It is also an effective remedy for gray hair.

7. Application of coconut oil is also very effective. Massage the coconut oil on the scalp each night before going to bed and wash it in the morning.

8. The other effective remedy for treating premature graying is Indian gooseberry. You can also cut gooseberry and dry into the sun and then take it regularly.

Rabu, 23 Mei 2018

Reduce Hair Damage From Flat Iron Usage

Reduce Hair Damage From Flat Iron Usage

Image source: http://fb.ru/misc/i/gallery/33669/2180211.jpg

Professional hairstylists agree that majority of their clients are indeed shelling out cash to tame wavy and curly hair that are too difficult. It seems that the remedy for dull and lifeless hair is the salon.

Regrettably, it's hard to mimic the hairstylist touch in one's home. And more often than not, attempts to straighten the untamed locks using a flat iron seem to create further chaos than before. This is the main reason why women want to know how to reduce hair damage from flat iron. Well, here are some tips:

1) Before plugging any device and pressing it against your hair, you should prep your locks properly. It is advised that prior to any styling session, you need to have shampooed and conditioned your hair; preferably using products that are moisture-rich.

Preparing one's hair using these products will provide a strong foundation and will significantly aid you on how to reduce hair damage from flat iron use. Furthermore, you may opt for a leave-on conditioner or thermal protection spray to shield the hair from any damaging effect that might occur in the process.

2) One way on how to reduce hair damage from flat iron is by keeping your hair dry and free from any gel or mousse build-up. It should be noted that damp hair does not respond well with most styling tools, especially those utilizing heat. Do you know the cooking method of steaming? This is probably the closest scenario for what will happen when an electronic hair iron touches a damp hair.

3) Remember, if the length of your hair passes beyond that of your shoulder, choose an iron that is wide, or wider than the regular 1 to 1.5 inches. This will provide more surface area for the hair to come in contact with the styling tool. With that said, women with shorter hair may opt for the typical-sized straightening device. Keep in mind that the straightening tool itself may be a factor on how to reduce hair damage from flat iron.

4) When using a flat iron, part your hair into sections and allow each portion to pass through the iron without over crowding it. Most women would complain that the styling device is not working. Little do they know that they are overloading the straightening iron by putting through a lot of hair at exactly the same time. Remember that when one works with small sections, heat will be applied evenly. Thus, requires fewer passes using the styling tool.

All hair straighteners are not created equal. When you are buying a hair straightener or flat iron, you have to take several things into consideration. Here are some tips to use when choosing a hair straightener.

First, take your hair type and length into consideration. Most professional hair straighteners can be used on all hair types. However, you need to make sure you are buying the right size for your hair type and length. Those with long hair that is thick or very curly should have a large plate size on the flat iron they choose. Smaller plates are perfect for normal or wavy hair. If your hair is fine or thin you should use a plate that is between one and one-and-a-half inches. Also, fine hair often requires a lower temperature. You want to avoid burning your hair!

Next, set your price. You can spend hundreds of dollars buying a flat iron if you don't plan ahead. It is important to set your budget before you start shopping. This will help you choose a hair straightener that not only fits your needs, but also your budget.

Visit for more useful information on Beauty Tips, Taking Care Of Your Feet and Saving Hair from Damage

Selasa, 22 Mei 2018

Re-discover The Fun Of The Classic 80s Game Laser Tag

Re-discover The Fun Of The Classic 80s Game Laser Tag

Image source: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t31/c0.0.851.315/p851x315/774768_10151189466766372_744377966_o.jpg

Laser Tag! It is one of the greatest toys and best games ever invented. It was first came out in the late 80s, had a tremendous run with laser tag mania that swept the nation. With one of the best commercials then on television, laser tag tournaments mirroring the one advertised were held across America and the world. But then just as suddenly, the game fizzled out.

Now it is back, and it has lost none of its power to amuse, enthrall, and excite. New technologies and a renewed spirit of tournament fervor introduced by paintball have only added to the thrills and enjoyment. Whole complexes and scenarios that involve tanks, armored personnel carriers, and helicopters have only added to the fun.

Indeed, the lasers have gotten more sophisticated with the years and so have the guns from which they are emitted. In playing laser tag nowadays, you are no longer limited to the single ray gun that was the only one available when the game first hit the market. Laser tag is now played with a variety of weapons that take the shape of real-world pistols and assault weapons.

The mania has given rise to Laser Tag London & Essex parties. It has also become the central theme of many childrens parties London & Essex. People of all ages enjoy the game. But it is this latest generation who have taken a particular interest in it. Parents across the nation have discovered yet one more way to be innovative in the parties they throw for their children. Many in the London and Essex areas have booked birthday parties and other special occasions in Laser Tag fantasy camps and have expressed the fun and complete satisfaction had by all.

Laser Tag is a game of competition, cooperation, and skill. Involving your children in such an event teaches them the value of team work. They also learn how to think, how to plan, and how to strategize. These are all important lessons, and so in addition to the fun they will have they will also learn many things of value.

The renewed popularity of the game has led to the springing up of Laser Tag camps in various places. But it is important to remember that they are not all the same. When you book a reservation, you want to be sure that you take delivery of all that you are promised. The very last thing you want to deal with on the day of the event is setbacks and hassles. The parents of the other children are expecting everything to go smoothly, and you dont want to waste everyones time with problems that could have been anticipated and taken care of long before you arrived.

That is why it is so important to take your time in selecting the event space you want to use. Going online will help you get through the process efficiently and speedily. You will be able to quickly sift through the different Laser Tag camps and decide on the one you want to book.

Red Light Therapy - The Ultimate Boon to Deal with Skin Issues

Red Light Therapy - The Ultimate Boon to Deal with Skin Issues

Image source: http://www.gogofinder.com.tw/books/anita/35/s/1318479754YbfS9vnK.jpg

Nowadays, everyone is aware of the fact that too many sunbeams are not good for his/her skin. Besides, your tissues get damaged if you often come in contact with the ultraviolet light.It destroys the cells of your skin and as a result, you get a bad skin with wrinkles altogether. However, on the other hand, if you completely avoid sunlight then you may experience health issues due to the lack of Vitamin D. So, you have to find out a better way to balance all your problems.

When you deal with your skin complications than red light therapy devices come up with all its optimistic features. This particular device helps you by preventing the adverse effects of sunlight and ultraviolet rays.  This is the reason why it becomes so much popular these days among the people of all age groups.

The Role of Red Light Treatment:

Red light generally helps human cells to grow faster. It accelerates the healing process of lesions. It penetrates quite deeper into your skin than any other color of light.Elastin and collagen form faster with the help of red light because skin cells take in this particular light quickly which stimulates the entire procedure. Collagen and elastin, these two agents make the skin feel and look younger. Therefore, it is necessary that these elements form more rapidly. Your skin rejuvenates speedily with the specific therapy. This implies red light treatment can aid clear up rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, and many other skin related problems. In essence, red light treatment is truly an all-inclusive therapeutic approach.

Is This Useful and Safe?

Though numerous people have doubts about the usefulness of this therapy. But, experts opine that it is a proven technology and is developed by the true professional using the latest technology. So, one can easily go for such therapy. Moreover, it is completely safe and secure remedial process. You wont have to go through any kind of unpleasant feeling.Thus, you feel confident knowing you are getting the ultimate solution for treating the complications of your skin.

How does It Work?

Red light is commonly combined with amber and infrared light for treating ones skin.The wavelengths of infrared, amber and red light are lengthier than any other color and enter deeper into ones skin. It enters through your epidermis to touch the collagen fibers.

These lights generally activate your skin cells to develop sooner. This healing procedure refreshes the skin and makes you look younger. You feel that your skin has become softer after the treatment. Collagen, as well as elastin production, increases so the skin feels more firm and elastic than before. Swelling and redness of your skin decrease as your skin start circulating more blood.

Get Familiar with the Treatment Method:

This very treatment triggers collagen formation and abolishes wrinkles and fine lines. In addition to this, it boosts the production of capillaries and offering your skin a healthy look. It helps in minimizing puffiness and swelling. The time of the cure can differ based on the article you select to buy. You need to follow some steps to get results:

Clean your face to get rid of soil and any other particle that may affect the course
Use the light on your skin from 2-20 minutes
Dont skip the routine and use regularly till the desired outcome has not been accomplished
Also, use any topical antioxidants after every session for the better results

Other Usages:

These days, people would love to have a youthful appearance and for this, they preferred light beauty therapy. This remedy is becoming more than anyone thinks of. Now, individual uses it for:

Circulatory difficulties


Like other therapies, red light remedial treatment can heal various ailments successfully. Those people who want to have a youthful skin can purchase beauty devices to fetch all the benefits. Buying light beauty devices, you can easily save your time and money as well. Now, you dont need to go to the salon or doctors chamber to have this service. Apart from the red light therapy device, you can buy blue light acne device to get a flawless skin. So, go get your device and explore a new way of having a healthy skin.

Senin, 21 Mei 2018

Reasons for Hair extensions

Reasons for Hair extensions

Image source: http://reasonstocomehome.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Hair-Extensions-650x975.jpg

With the number of worries that are constantly on our mind, you cannot blame our hair for falling on the ground. Your hair goes through rough handling, throughout the week. It may be damaged because of too much sun, or too much dust, or perhaps too much ironing iron or curling iron and not enough care. These days, many women appreciate the idea of hair extensions that are completely in fashion these days. In fact, many celebrities, such as Ashley Simpson and Paris Hilton among others use this method to look beautiful. No one can deny that hair is an important aspect of a persons face. Cover your hair, and you will see how empty your face will look. Whenever your hair is bouncy, or shiny, or you have given your hair a new color, people will notice and you will look attractive. Therefore, hair extensions are a viable solution, if you want to add more length to your hair, or even add a bit of volume to your hair. However, people use hair extensions for a number of other reasons, apart from looking gorgeous because of beautiful hair.

Many women like to use human hair extensions because it gives them hair in areas of the head, where there is thinning hair. Therefore, these extensions aim to conceal hair loss. Moreover, if proper human hair is used in the extensions, then they will give a more realistic look to your hair. Many young girls also use these extensions, if they have thinning air. After all, everyone loves hair, which has a bit of volume. However, try to use hair extensions, which are made up of actual hair, instead of the synthetic material, because that material looks quite tacky.

There are times, when human hair extensions can get expensive, although they are available in different grades. In this case, many women use clip in hair extensions, which are the easiest form of adding volume to your hair. The amount of clips required depend upon the volume of hair you need. Many people use clip in hair extensions when they are going for a party. You may also use these clip in hair extensions in extraordinary colors, if you are going to a Halloween party. Additionally, these extensions are the easiest and the simplest way of adding highlights to your hair, without actually coloring them. In this way, the damage to your hair becomes minimal. Moreover, you can use these types of hair extensions at home! You do not have to go to the salon, and spend ridiculous amounts of money. If you are hoping for a professional look, and you want these extensions for a longer period, then you should consider going to the beauty salon for hair extensions. In fact, preferably use human hair extensions.

Razor VS Shaver from Myths to the Truth

Razor VS Shaver from Myths to the Truth

Image source: http://getarazor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/760cc-1.jpg

As I speak to more people and read more forum posts about peoples shaving concerns. I found a very popular subject was whether to use a razor or shaver to body shave and even more specifically how to shave pubic area.
Many couple in todays generations ages 20 - 40 now enjoy have absolutley no hair on their genitals and it makes sense. When you are shaved you don't have thick hairs to trap in odors and your genitals are easier to clean. Your personal hygiene is increased 100%. But even though have great personal hygiene is important, then more important reason why people are becoming dare to be bare enthusiasts is because its sexier. Back in the 50's and 60's most couples would make love with the lights out and under the covers. Why? I'm not sure, I was born in the late 70's and experienced sex in the 90's. The point is that the majority of young couples now enjoy watching each other have sex as if were an adult film. So naturally it's a huge turn on to see each others goods nice and clean shaven.

Ok now that I went off track on the subject "", lets get back to the reason why I created this article. Since the popularity of being clean shaven has gained, so has the techniques and growing concerns of how. As you may have read in my other articles I generally pointed out why using the Body Bare personal shaver was better then using a straight razor, however let's focus on this very subject as its a common issue.

Why do people use the razor? Being a razor user myself for years before finding the perfect shaver, it was because I thought it was the only way. Yes rotary shavers been around for years but I never thought of putting the same loud facial electric shaver that plugs into the wall down onto my testicles and more importantly on my wifes vagina. So I relied on the razor. Another reason people use the razor is cost. It's easy to grab a Bic Razor from any convienient store or grocery store. Or use the same Mach 3 you use on a regular basis to use on your genitals. Finally the final reason why people use the razor is because of the myth using a razor will give you far healthier skin in the long run, and it is going to be quicker and give you no pigment spots. Once again this is only a myth. Where do people get these so called facts?

The Fact Is...

The razor blade is laying on your skin, when you "pull" the razor to cut the hairs, the razor pulls the skin as it cuts the hairs. Take this experiment for an example. Get a piece of string representing your hair and tie it down to something representing your skin. Get a knife, hold the string up tight and push the blade against the string until you cut the string. DO NOT use a slicing motion, just push. You don't use a slicing motion when you shave. If you did, you will more then likely cut your skin. As you can see from this experiment it took a bit of force to cut it. Although very dramatic from shaving, the idea is similiar in fact that you have to push or pull the hair to cut lifting the skin. This can lead to razor burn, irritation and ingrown hairs.

Using a proper shaver.

Now if we take that same experiment I just talked about and used a circular blade spinning real fast, you could understand that it would take no effort to cut the string with barely any force. This leaves the skin from raising thus leading to no irritation and more importantly no razor burn. Now don't get me wrong, there are rotary shavers that are too aggressive for the pussy shaving, testicle and pubic shaving areas and this could be why there is myths about how dangerous shavers are. However the Body Bare personal shaver is meant for the sensitive areas even as sensitive as the inner vagina lips. Yes ladies, there is no need to put that crazy razor down on your vagina lips. The greatest benifit to using the Body Bare personal shaver is that the foil that rests on your skin is specially designed to protect your skin from the rotary blades yet close enough to get that smooth shave. With the high speed of the blades, there is NO pulling on the skin. I have been using it for that last couple years and I have yet have any irritations!


If you have any questions, email me at questions@bestpersonalshave.com remove the spaces is you copy this email address. Article by Alex http://www.bestpersonalshave.com

Minggu, 20 Mei 2018

Quick Tips to Dress Like a Diva

Quick Tips to Dress Like a Diva

Image source: http://ste.india.com/sites/default/files/2017/12/28/650757-nye-dress-cover-photo.jpg

The term "Diva" has traditionally been utilized to describe celebrities, both their appearance and their "higher than life" attitude. But anyone can be a Diva, not necessarily meaning that you force someone to sort out the colors of M&M's because you only want to eat the red ones, but the powerful attitude that accompanies these women in regards to their appearance. Here are the main 5 steps to dressing like a Diva:

1. The Top: If you're wearing a dress, you've just eliminated a step in the process of Diva Dressing, as #2 and #3 are combined for you. "Tight" and "Low-cut" are two words traditionally associated with our term, but this isn't always the case. The painted on items of clothing that these women wear is sometimes created just for them and/sewn for this purpose (sometimes sewn directly onto them). One word that can describe the top of choice of nearly all Diva's is "seductive". But this term typically means something completely different to everyone, for it's more of a subconscious feeling than an actual description. The color and the style can vary immensely, but the bottom line is this: Nothing has the same affect on everyone. To be safe, a solid color top works best. Red is a power color that grabs attention, while black is considered mysterious. White triggers thoughts of purity (and is why so many Diva's don't wear it a lot, as they usually get ridiculed by the press). Purple is a color of royalty, while pink in all of it's wondrous shades is considered to be very feminine. Blue can make onlookers feel depressed or saddened. Green makes people think of hospitals. But no color will look Divaesque if the top chosen is completely wrong for your body shape. Be open to many different style options, as no Diva would go out looking like a fool.

2. The Bottom: Skirts, gauchos, jeans, slacks- all choices that require your consideration and are all worn by Divas. Unless you have a plastic surgeon to remove every tiny bump or bulge at different times of the month, a personal trainer, or simply don't drink water for a week before you plan on dressing for your occasion, skin-tight might not be the best answer to your undying concern of picking the ideal bottom. The general rule is this: If your top is considered to be "tight-fitting", you might want to go along the lines of a "flowy" bottom. The same is true on the reverse- a tighter bottom will probably look better with a bit of a roomier top. Remember, no Diva looks like a fool.

3. The Shoes: Finally, the most important part of dressing like a Diva. Flats are out, but bring them in case of an emergency, like your car runs out of gas, leaving you stranded on the highway and forced to walk 2 miles in 5-inch sexy stilettos. Not a good scenario. Remember that the Diva's we know, love and admire have employees that will walk the 2 miles for them. We are not that lucky, so we need to improvise. Just pack a pair of flats and keep them in the car. Anyways, sexy high heels like stilettos are the ultra-high, super-skinny heel, and the way to go - as long as you know how to walk in them. If you don't know, learn. Practice for hours before going out for the evening, for no Diva would be caught walking in a pair of shoes that they can't walk up and down stairs in. Shoes of choice can have a bit of bling on them, but you don't want them to be the center of your ensemble. "Oh my God, I love those (well thought out, complimenting to your outfit) shoes!" is a compliment and should be taken as one. How can you walk in those? is not really a compliment, but it can be if you've managed to walk gracefully throughout the evening. You just need to figure out if the person stating the comment is jealous or in disgust. It can be tough to tell with females, so good luck.

4. The Hair: When you think of the term "Diva", the first thing that will most likely pop into your head is, ironically enough, hair. No matter which generation you're from, you can identify with the lustrous locks that draw the necessary attention associated with Diva status. Cher and her infamous wigs (does anyone really know what her real hair looks like?); Diana Ross and those carefree curls; Tina Turner and her sophisticated shag; Christina Aguilera , with her blonde bombshell look of whatever she feels like at the time. What do these fine ladies all have in common? A colossal budget specified for doing their doo.

If tremendously-long tresses are what you have in mind, and your current hair style is somewhat short, you have two really have only 3 options: First, you could get hair extensions. The downside to this would of course be the immense cost of creation. With an average cost of $500 (without dying it to the color of your choice), the average budget just won't be able to cover this cost. Second, you could get a wig, but a high-quality headpiece that won't make you look like a clown (or Hulk Hogan) could cost you more than extensions. Thirdly, you could wait to dress like a Diva until your hair gets longer. If none of these ideas are viable options for you, you're going to have to work with what you have.

Every length of hair qualifies as "Diva-able", not just long. Think about Madonna and her pre-Kabala days of short hair, with slightly edgy curls "crazy-glued" to her face. Add a touch of glitter gel or hair mascara (choose a temporary color...just in case you hate it), and BAM! You've got a Diva-Doo! Hair jewels are another thought, but you really need to think of it like your accessories - you don't want to be so "blingy" that you start throwing off the flight patterns of nearby aircraft.

For medium length hair, adding some glitter gel, curvaceous curls, and/or fancy clips will bring some glamour to your style. A bit of contrasting, temporary color won't hurt your cause, either. If you normally part your hair in the middle, part it on the side. If you usually part your hair on the side, why don't you try parting it in the middle? Your hair, just like the rest of you, gets caught in a pattern of what it does, so by altering it, you're adding some zest and fervor to a traditionally tame style. No matter the style or length, be sure to carry a purse-size hairspray to keep your style looking fresh all day (or night).

5. The Accessories: Adding a "bit of bling" to your ensemble goes a long way in your quest for Divahood. Over-doing it is something that the traditional Diva's would be ridiculed for in the press. Maybe she's trying to flag down the mother ship and get back to her planet of origin would be a likely comment from the entertainment media, so our respected Diva's have professional help when it comes to this area. Yes, many of them hire someone specifically for this purpose. Unless you have a few thousand dollars hanging around and nothing else to do with it, you're on your own. Here's a bit of advice.

While "simple" sells, it doesn't exactly put you into the status of Divaness. Think Scarlett Johansson on the Red Carpet when you think "Un-Diva" and Britney Spears, Diana Ross and/or Mariah Carey on it when you think of "Diva". No matter if you can't stand a melodic note that pours out of Mariah's mouth, you have to admit that all eyes are on her when she walks into a room.

If you're going for colossal, rhinestone earrings, keep the necklace of choice in good taste. The same goes for the opposite. If you have a chain of bling that you just need to drape around your neck, the earrings shouldn't be "over the top", especially if your hair is short or in an up-do. Longer hair that covers earrings gives a little extra leeway on wearing diamond-studded dangles or huge hoops.

Shoes are considered by many to be more than something that keeps your feet enclosed and safe from stepping on glass and other unmentionables. The perfect pair of shoes can be the final accessory to tying together your outfit of choice. Think about that when picking out your bling.

Pubic hair shaving for women

Pubic hair shaving for women

Image source: http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.1257035.1360182533!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/hair7n-1-web.jpg

Removing pubic hair seems like an ordeal to most women as they often end up getting nicks and painful ingrown hair. Read this article for helpful tips on shaving pubic hair smoothly and effortlessly.

Tips on pubic hair shaving for women

Shaving pubic hair is becoming increasingly popular among women. A smooth and well-shaven pubic area provides a feeling of freedom to women and helps them enjoy more intimacy with their partner. However, shaving pubic hair is tougher than shaving legs or underarms owing to the sensitivity of the pubic region. Women need to shave their pubic hair patiently and carefully to avoid getting nicks and ingrown hair. Given below are tips that will ensure your shaving process is easy and nick-free.

Step 1: Pick the right shaving cream

Pubic region is one of the most sensitive parts of the body hence you should be very careful while choosing the shaving cream. Soaps do not form sufficient lather and foams or creams used by men for shaving may not provide sufficient lubrication and protection for your sensitive private parts. Use shaving creams or gels that contain moisturising agents such as aloe vera or vitamin E.

Step 2: Choose a proper razor

It is extremely important to choose an appropriate razor for shaving pubic hair. A cheap disposable razor with a single blade is likely to cause you cuts or nicks on your most sensitive parts and may hurt you immensely. It is recommended that you use multi-bladed razor with a moisturizing strip on its head to give you a smooth, close shave.

Step 3: Trim long hair

To make shaving easier, a good idea would be to trim down pubic hair longer than a quarter of an inch with scissors. Cutting it as short as possible means you will have to deal with less hair while shaving. This will make the shaving process less painful and less messy.

Step 4: Take a warm shower or bath

Always remove pubic hair after a warm shower or after soaking yourself in a hot tub for a few minutes. This will help to open the pores of the skin and soften hair follicles, making it easy for you to remove hairs from the root. Removing pubic hair following a bath also prevents the growth of ingrown hair, a problem women frequently encounter when shaving pubic hair.

Step 5: Exfoliate the skin

Experts also recommend exfoliating to remove dead skin cell to facilitate a closer shave. Use a mild exfoliate or a body wash with a washcloth or loofah sponge on your pubic area.

Step 6: Use a shaving oil

For extra smooth shaving experience, you may apply some shaving oil. This will help razor glide easily over your skin and prevent razor burn, general irritation and ingrown hairs.

Step 7: Apply shaving cream or gel

Apply a generous amount of shaving cream or gel on a damp but not wet skin. You may also use a shaving brush to work up a good lather to ensure a smooth shave.

Step 8: Ready to shave

Using a fresh blade, first move the shaver in the same direction of hair growth and then in opposite direction. Use one hand to pull your skin taut and the other to glide the razor.

Don't go over the same area too many times to avoid getting a cut. Remember to rinse the blade after every couple of strokes. A clogged razor will not work well. After shaving, rinse pubic area and pat dry with towel. Use cool water to rinse, as it will help to close the pores and follicles, reducing the chance of irritation.

Step 9: Moisturise

Moisturise the freshly shaven pubic area using baby oil, vitamin E or aloe vera. This will help to soothe your skin after the shave and reduce the chance of pimples or razor burn. It is best to avoid moisturizers that contain fragrances and colours, as they may cause irritation.

Some useful tips on shaving pubic hair

Some women suffer from increased genital sensitivity during menstruation. They must avoid shaving during this period
You may consider using a small mirror to see well if you are taking off most of your pubic hair
Moisturise and powder the area daily to avoid irritation
Try to wear cotton underwear and to stay away from tight fitting pants. The lack of air circulation and friction of tight cloths may lead to in-grown hairs
Women who do not like the idea of shaving pubic hair on a frequent basis may consider using Ultra Hair Away lotion. This helps to inhibit the growth of hair so you will need to shave less frequently. Also the new hair that comes is finer, softer and therefore much easier to shave

Article provides you vital information on pubic hair shaving for women, and also provides pubic hair removal tips for women, get vital information on ultra hair away and ingrow go by visiting hair-remover.org.

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2018

Pubic Hair Design With Stencils Tutorial

Pubic Hair Design With Stencils Tutorial

Image source: http://lady-garden.co.uk/4-10-thickbox/butterfly.jpg

What you'll need:
Clear shaving gel so you can see where you are shaving Aftershave astringent with salicylic acid Comb Scissors Razor Stencil pencil Stencils Mirror


Creating works of art with pubic hair is not a new idea. Artworks from thousands of years ago show that men and women removed or styled their pubic hair by plucking or scraping off the hair. Ouch! Fortunately, there are now products made specifically for grooming pubic hair and this includes special shaving cream or gel, lotions, antiseptics and stencils. Some of the popular designs for pubic hair are the basic bikini (an inverted triangle), diamond, landing strip, heart, star, happy face, butterfly, check mark, lips and a square! Follow the steps below to create a beautiful design that will make you feel sexy with your clothes on or off!

Step 1 Buy the supplies you that you need

Purchase clear shaving gel made for pubic hair so you can see where you are shaving, an aftershave astringent with salicylic acid, stencils, a stencil pencil, a small comb, scissors, a mirror and a razor with new blades.

Step 2 Trim your hair

Decide if you need to trim your pubic hair before shaving. It makes the entire process much easier if hair is trimmed to about a 1/4 inch or however long your want your design shape to be.

Step 3 Bathe or shower

Soften your pubic hair and skin by soaking in a warm bubble bath or by taking a long shower. Exfoliate your pubic hair and upper thighs to prevent ingrown hairs. When you are finished, dry yourself completely.

Step 4 Using the stencils

Place the stencil using one hand against the pubic hair. Use your stencil pencil (or colored lip pencil) to trace the outline of the design where you want it. Put the stencil away and make sure you can see the shape outlined. If not, fill it in with the colored stencil pencil.

Step 5 Start shaving

Apply a thin layer of shaving gel to your pubic hair. Pull the skin taut and start shaving from the outer area toward the pencil line. You goal is to leave pubic hair in the design you chose and make sure the excess pubic hair outside the outline is removed. Continue around the design and apply more gel if needed. Rinse your razor several times during shaving to get the smoothest, cleanest look.

Step 6 Groom the remaining hair

Use a comb to pull the remaining hair within your design up and decide if it needs further trimming. Some people like hair a bit more "bushy" and others like it trimmed close.

Step 7 Aftercare for your skin.

Wash off shaving cream and pencil outline. Apply an astringent formula that contains salicylic acid to prevent ingrown hairs and then moisturize the entire area.

Step 8 Keep your design clean

Every other day look at your design using a mirror. Use a little shaving cream and a razor to shave away any hair stubble to make your design last.

Caring for your design requires little maintenance but allows you to continue feeling sexy and adventurous. Just take your time when shaving and use the best products for your pubic area. The right choice of products will keep you feeling sexy without the irritating bumps, ingrown hairs and razor rash that usually accompanies pubic hair grooming.

(c) 2008, Davis Virtual Assistance. All rights reserved. Article may be reprinted so long as text and by-line are reprinted intact and all links made live.

Bonnie Jo Davis is a Virtual Assistant and prolific writer on assignment. Bonnie recommends the adorable stencil kit, personal shavers and exclusive pubic hair removal products from the experts at Hair Care Down There. Need advice about taming your pubic hair? Visit Hair Care Down There at http://www.HairCareDownThere.com for their free magazine "HCDT Magazine Online".

Tape Up Hairstyle for Men

Image source: http://www.menshairstylesnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Tape-Up-Afro.jpg Tape up haircuts for men could be explained as a ...